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<div>[[File:Surprise crashing.png|class=pagebanner]]</div>
A vehicle is a special type of creature, in that it has facing, and non-removable equipment which can only be hit from certain angles.  
A vehicle is a special type of creature, in that it has facing, and non-removable equipment which can only be hit from certain angles.  
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==== Movement ====
==== Movement ====
Vehicular movement is fundamentally different from the movement of other creatures. Rather than taking actions to move, at the beginning of a vehicle's turn it travels according to its current Movement Mode; before doing so, it may adjust its mode up or down one step. The following are statistics of a Mode:
Vehicular movement is fundamentally different from the movement of other creatures. Rather than taking actions to move, at the beginning of a vehicle's turn it travels according to its current Movement Mode; after doing so, it may adjust its mode up or down one step. The following are statistics of a Mode:
'''Minimum Speed:''' The minimum distance that the vehicle must travel each turn in this Mode.
'''Minimum Speed:''' The minimum distance that the vehicle must travel each turn in this Mode.
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'''Turning Radius:''' The minimum radius of the circle that the vehicle may pivot around while moving in this Mode.
'''Turning Radius:''' The minimum radius of the circle that the vehicle may pivot around while moving in this Mode.
'''Instability:''' How shaky the movement mode is. It is a penalty applied to all attacks made by the vehicle or creatures on it against targets beyond their weapons' second range increment. Half the penalty, rounded down, is applied to all attacks made ''against'' the vehicle or creatures or objects on it from beyond the attacking weapon's second range increment.
'''Climb:''' How rapidly the vehicle can go upwards. If specified in meters, this distance is measured independently of lateral travel. If specified in degrees, this is the steepest angle it can use. It only matters for Aerial and Submarine movement modes.
'''Fuel Burn:''' How much fuel is expended per round at this speed, in kilograms or [[Power]].
Types of movement modes:
'''Default (Ground):''' The vehicle travels along the ground. Unless otherwise specified, it collides with objects, rather than rolling over them, if they are more than 0.25 meters high.
'''Aerial:''' The vehicle travels through the air.
'''Submarine:''' The vehicle travels through liquids.
'''Aquatic:''' The vehicle travels on the surfaces of liquids.
==== Crashing ====
==== Crashing ====
When a vehicle collides with something, both the vehicle and that thing suffer an attack with values dependent on their relative velocity. The relative velocity for a vehicle/non-vehicle collision is simply equal to the full distance the vehicle would have moved this turn. The relative velocity for a vehicle/vehicle collision is equal to that full distance added to the distance the other vehicle moved on its previous turn, using vector subtraction. The attack bonus of the attack is equal to the other entity's AD-5, and the damage is 1d8-8 +1 per 30 meters/round.
When a vehicle collides with something, both the vehicle and that thing share an attack with values dependent on their relative velocity; if the other thing is [[stationary]] or an unattended object, it is never missed. The relative velocity for a vehicle/non-vehicle collision is simply equal to the full distance the vehicle would have moved this turn. The relative velocity for a vehicle/vehicle collision is equal to that full distance added to the distance the other vehicle moved on its previous turn, using vector subtraction. The damage of the attack is 1d6-7 with 0 [[Demolition]], and it [[fling|flings]] the target 45 degrees to the side of forwards, 4 meters per wound. It deals +2 damage and +1 demolition with a relative velocity of at least 50 meters/round, another +2 damage and +1 demolition if at least 100 meters/round, and +2 additional damage and +1 demolition for every doubling of velocity. The weight of the attacker (see below) applies to the damage and Demolition it deals as well.
=== Components ===
If both parties wish to avoid the collision, the [[accuracy]] of the attack is -1, and the [[AD]] being targeted is that of the higher entity. If only one party wishes to avoid the collision, the attack is equal to the non-avoiding entity's [[AD]] minus 2 and the [[AD]] being targeted is that of the other entity. If neither entity is willing to avoid the collision, the attack hits. If the attack hits, both entities are hit, and if it misses, both entities are missed, but critical hits are rolled individually.
Vehicles have special equipment which can only be hit from certain angles. A Left side item, for example, can only be hit by creatures that have a firing line to the left side of the vehicle. A glancing shot is less likely to be effective than a perpendicular one: if the angle from the firer to the vehicle's side is more than 45 degrees, the item has Cover.
The moving vehicle is slowed by each thing it collides with: if it hits something and does not reduce that thing to 0 or less HP or destroy it, it ends its movement there. Even if it is not stopped, its remaining movement is reduced by 40 meters times the Slowdown Multiplier for the obstruction, divided by the Slowdown Multiplier for the vehicle.
{| class="wikitable"
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: Collision Damage and Slowdown by Weight}}</div>
! rowspan="1" | Weight
! rowspan="1" | Damage Modifier
! rowspan="1" | Demolition
! rowspan="1" | Slowdown Multiplier
| Less than 1 [[kilograms|kilogram]] || -6 || -3 || &times;1/8
| 1-10 [[kilograms]] || -4 || -2 || &times;1/4
| 11-40 [[kilograms]] || -2 || -1 || &times;1/2
| 41-200 [[kilograms]] || +0 || +0 || &times;1
| 201-1000 [[kilograms]] || +2 || +1 || &times;2
| 1001-5000 [[kilograms]] || +4 || +2 || &times;4
| 5001-25000 [[kilograms]] || +6 || +3 || &times;8
| 25001 or more [[kilograms]] || +8 || +4 || &times;16
|- class="noalt"
==== Sinking ====
When [[overloaded]], a vehicle sinks. In the air, it falls at half the normal rate, and counts only half the distance fallen for fall damage. In the water, it has a sink distance of 5 meters. In neither case can the vehicle travel upward.
=== Attacking Vehicles ===
==== Main Body ====
The main body of the vehicle is subject to accelerated destruction from attacks that deal a lot of damage or have a high [[Demolition]] value, [[Environment#Materials|like objects are]]. [[Piercing]] weapons do not do actual harm to the body of the vehicle, but can pass through it with the same amount of ease as when shooting through a wall with the same [[HP]] and [[Toughness]].
When a vehicle is reduced to 0 HP or less, it is destroyed, and each creature inside it takes one hit that does damage equal to the amount of damage left over after destroying the vehicle.
==== Components ====
Vehicles have special equipment which can only be hit from certain angles. A Left Side item, for example, can only be hit by creatures that have a firing line to the left side of the vehicle. A glancing shot is less likely to be effective than a perpendicular one: if the angle from the firer to the vehicle's side is more than 45 degrees, the item has Cover.
There is no penalty for attacking components normally, unlike when [[sunder|sundering]] items, although some components have their own [[AD]] values that you use when attacking the component rather than the main vehicle's [[AD]].
==== Passengers ====
Creatures inside a vehicle are protected by it: An attack that tries to hit the creature must pass through 1 HP of the vehicle first, using the normal rules for firing through objects. The wound to the vehicle, if it is successfully inflicted by a non-[[Piercing]] attack, applies to its total health.
If a creature wants to shoot from inside a vehicle at targets outside of it without harming the vehicle itself, they must open some hole in the vehicle, like a window or porthole, and others that wish to fire back may then choose to treat the vehicle as [[total cover]] instead of shooting through it.
=== Mounting Weapons ===
Weapons can be mounted to vehicles with varying amounts of rotational ability depending on their weight. If it weighs less than half of the vehicle's carrying capacity, it is a '''Light Weapon''', and can be mounted to fire in every direction except for a specified 90 degree cone. If it weighs more than that, but no more than the vehicle's carrying capacity, it is a '''Medium Weapon''', and can be mounted to fire anywhere in a specified 90 degree cone. If it weighs as much as the vehicle's carrying capacity or more, it is a '''Strong Weapon''', and can only be mounted to fire in one very specific direction, and the vehicle must be turned precisely to face its target.
Each properly mounted vehicle weapon comes with a specialized reloader, which contributes all actions necessary to reload the weapon, delaying when no reloading is necessary. The weapon braces count as two hands devoted to holding the weapon. For incremental reloads, the reloader has an effective carrying capacity equal to twice the reloader's weight (any weight may be chosen for the reloader, but it's added to the weapon's weight to determine if it's '''Light''', '''Medium''', or '''Strong''').
'''Light Weapons''' have an [[Accuracy]] of +2, '''Medium Weapons''' have an [[Accuracy]] of +1, and '''Strong Weapons''' have an [[Accuracy]] of +0. Once per round, a gunner standing at the weapon can use a [[Standard action]] to fire a weapon two times, or once if it is [[Heavy]], taking penalties to accuracy in order to make extra attacks with semiautomatic and automatic weapons as desired. The gunner may opt to use their own accuracy instead of the amount provided, at a -1 penalty if '''Light''', -2 if '''Medium''', and -3 if '''Strong'''. It is also possible to use a [[Standard action]] to [[Ranged Guard]] with a non-[[Heavy]] mounted weapon.
==== Grouping Weapons ====
Multiple weapons can be grouped together in order to make them easier for a gunner to fire, letting them all be fired with full effect at once as a single action, although they must always share the same group of targets, and no more than one hit may be allocated to each target per round. The attachments needed to group multiple weapons together cost 20 coins per weapon and weigh 20 kilograms per weapon. Use the total weight of the set of weapons including attachments to determine whether they work as '''Light''', '''Medium''', or '''Strong'''. If ten or more attacks are made by identical weapons in a weapon group, they use [[regiments#Rapid Rolling|Regiment Rapid Rolling]] rules.
=== Pilot ===
=== Pilot ===
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'''Driver:''' The Driver controls the vehicle's actions from within as a [[move action]] each round. This either takes two hands or a wired connection to the vehicle.
'''Driver:''' The Driver controls the vehicle's actions from within as a [[move action]] each round. This either takes two hands or a wired connection to the vehicle.
'''Remote Control:''' As per a '''Driver''', but the Driver controls the vehicle via a wireless connection.
'''Remote Control:''' As per a '''Driver''', but the Driver controls the vehicle via a wireless connection. The wireless connection can be turned on or off at the vehicle as a [[standard action]].
'''AI:''' The vehicle controls itself. Without the Advanced AI [[Technologies (Cybergems)|technology]], the vehicle simply stops or lands at the nearest airport when it encounters danger, has no skills, and has a Perception of 2 (unless overriden by the Vehicle's stat block). With the Advanced AI [[Technologies (Cybergems)|technology]], the vehicle can act in its faction's best interest even in dangerous conditions, has four skills at a value dependent on its tier (+2 if Common, +5 if Elite, +8 if Paragon, +11 if Legend), and gets +1 to Perception. Advanced AI vehicles have an Attack bonus dependent on their tier (+3 if Common, +5 if Elite, +7 if Paragon, +9 if Legend).
'''AI:''' The vehicle controls itself. Without the Advanced AI [[Technologies (Cybergems)|technology]], the vehicle simply stops or lands at the nearest airport when it encounters danger, has no skills, and has a Perception of 0 (unless overriden by the Vehicle's stat block). With the Advanced AI [[Technologies (Cybergems)|technology]], the vehicle can act in its faction's best interest even in dangerous conditions, and can be given [[Skills]].
If a vehicle has wired or wireless connections, or an AI, it is susceptible to [[Hacking]], and has a Hackability Score dependent on its tier: 6 if Common, 8 if Elite, 10 if Paragon, or 12 if Legend.
If a vehicle has wired or wireless connections, or an AI, it is susceptible to [[Hacking]].
When a vehicle is reduced to 0 HP or less, each creature inside it takes one damaging hit equal to 1d6+the Vehicle's Toughness for every Wound inflicted on the vehicle by the triggering attack or effect.
=== Vehicular Stealth ===
The Stealth of a vehicle is equal to that of the pilot, or -1 if there is no pilot.
A vehicle's engine can be heard at a distance equal to three times the distance it moved that turn, plus its size. Keep in mind that sound only travels about 5000 meters per round through air.
=== Options ===
=== Options ===
Many vehicles have options, chosen when the vehicle is created.
Many vehicles have options, chosen when the vehicle is created.
=== Hijacking ===
It is possible to force your way into a vehicle. Attempting to do so is an attack option made against a Vehicle you are currently Grappling. If you hit the Vehicle's [[GD]] with an [[unarmed]] attack, and would wound it, you force your way inside the vehicle. Most vehicles are incapable of attacking their occupants.
=== Vehicle List ===
=== Vehicle List ===
{{:Gun emplacement}}
{{:Shuffling mound}}
{{:Powered parachute}}
{{:Fighter jet}}
{{:Fighter jet}}
{{:Jumbo jet}}
{{:Space rocket}}

Latest revision as of 23:47, 9 April 2018

Surprise crashing.png

A vehicle is a special type of creature, in that it has facing, and non-removable equipment which can only be hit from certain angles.



When a vehicle moves, its facing becomes equal to the direction it was moving at the end of that movement. Vehicles frequently have a minimum turning radius, as well, which is the smallest distance the vehicle can pivot around while moving.


Vehicular movement is fundamentally different from the movement of other creatures. Rather than taking actions to move, at the beginning of a vehicle's turn it travels according to its current Movement Mode; after doing so, it may adjust its mode up or down one step. The following are statistics of a Mode:

Minimum Speed: The minimum distance that the vehicle must travel each turn in this Mode.

Maximum Speed: The maximum distance that the vehicle may travel each turn in this Mode.

Turning Radius: The minimum radius of the circle that the vehicle may pivot around while moving in this Mode.

Instability: How shaky the movement mode is. It is a penalty applied to all attacks made by the vehicle or creatures on it against targets beyond their weapons' second range increment. Half the penalty, rounded down, is applied to all attacks made against the vehicle or creatures or objects on it from beyond the attacking weapon's second range increment.

Climb: How rapidly the vehicle can go upwards. If specified in meters, this distance is measured independently of lateral travel. If specified in degrees, this is the steepest angle it can use. It only matters for Aerial and Submarine movement modes.

Fuel Burn: How much fuel is expended per round at this speed, in kilograms or Power.

Types of movement modes:

Default (Ground): The vehicle travels along the ground. Unless otherwise specified, it collides with objects, rather than rolling over them, if they are more than 0.25 meters high.

Aerial: The vehicle travels through the air.

Submarine: The vehicle travels through liquids.

Aquatic: The vehicle travels on the surfaces of liquids.


When a vehicle collides with something, both the vehicle and that thing share an attack with values dependent on their relative velocity; if the other thing is stationary or an unattended object, it is never missed. The relative velocity for a vehicle/non-vehicle collision is simply equal to the full distance the vehicle would have moved this turn. The relative velocity for a vehicle/vehicle collision is equal to that full distance added to the distance the other vehicle moved on its previous turn, using vector subtraction. The damage of the attack is 1d6-7 with 0 Demolition, and it flings the target 45 degrees to the side of forwards, 4 meters per wound. It deals +2 damage and +1 demolition with a relative velocity of at least 50 meters/round, another +2 damage and +1 demolition if at least 100 meters/round, and +2 additional damage and +1 demolition for every doubling of velocity. The weight of the attacker (see below) applies to the damage and Demolition it deals as well.

If both parties wish to avoid the collision, the accuracy of the attack is -1, and the AD being targeted is that of the higher entity. If only one party wishes to avoid the collision, the attack is equal to the non-avoiding entity's AD minus 2 and the AD being targeted is that of the other entity. If neither entity is willing to avoid the collision, the attack hits. If the attack hits, both entities are hit, and if it misses, both entities are missed, but critical hits are rolled individually.

The moving vehicle is slowed by each thing it collides with: if it hits something and does not reduce that thing to 0 or less HP or destroy it, it ends its movement there. Even if it is not stopped, its remaining movement is reduced by 40 meters times the Slowdown Multiplier for the obstruction, divided by the Slowdown Multiplier for the vehicle.

Table: Collision Damage and Slowdown by Weight

Weight Damage Modifier Demolition Slowdown Multiplier
Less than 1 kilogram -6 -3 ×1/8
1-10 kilograms -4 -2 ×1/4
11-40 kilograms -2 -1 ×1/2
41-200 kilograms +0 +0 ×1
201-1000 kilograms +2 +1 ×2
1001-5000 kilograms +4 +2 ×4
5001-25000 kilograms +6 +3 ×8
25001 or more kilograms +8 +4 ×16


When overloaded, a vehicle sinks. In the air, it falls at half the normal rate, and counts only half the distance fallen for fall damage. In the water, it has a sink distance of 5 meters. In neither case can the vehicle travel upward.

Attacking Vehicles

Main Body

The main body of the vehicle is subject to accelerated destruction from attacks that deal a lot of damage or have a high Demolition value, like objects are. Piercing weapons do not do actual harm to the body of the vehicle, but can pass through it with the same amount of ease as when shooting through a wall with the same HP and Toughness.

When a vehicle is reduced to 0 HP or less, it is destroyed, and each creature inside it takes one hit that does damage equal to the amount of damage left over after destroying the vehicle.


Vehicles have special equipment which can only be hit from certain angles. A Left Side item, for example, can only be hit by creatures that have a firing line to the left side of the vehicle. A glancing shot is less likely to be effective than a perpendicular one: if the angle from the firer to the vehicle's side is more than 45 degrees, the item has Cover.

There is no penalty for attacking components normally, unlike when sundering items, although some components have their own AD values that you use when attacking the component rather than the main vehicle's AD.


Creatures inside a vehicle are protected by it: An attack that tries to hit the creature must pass through 1 HP of the vehicle first, using the normal rules for firing through objects. The wound to the vehicle, if it is successfully inflicted by a non-Piercing attack, applies to its total health.

If a creature wants to shoot from inside a vehicle at targets outside of it without harming the vehicle itself, they must open some hole in the vehicle, like a window or porthole, and others that wish to fire back may then choose to treat the vehicle as total cover instead of shooting through it.

Mounting Weapons

Weapons can be mounted to vehicles with varying amounts of rotational ability depending on their weight. If it weighs less than half of the vehicle's carrying capacity, it is a Light Weapon, and can be mounted to fire in every direction except for a specified 90 degree cone. If it weighs more than that, but no more than the vehicle's carrying capacity, it is a Medium Weapon, and can be mounted to fire anywhere in a specified 90 degree cone. If it weighs as much as the vehicle's carrying capacity or more, it is a Strong Weapon, and can only be mounted to fire in one very specific direction, and the vehicle must be turned precisely to face its target.

Each properly mounted vehicle weapon comes with a specialized reloader, which contributes all actions necessary to reload the weapon, delaying when no reloading is necessary. The weapon braces count as two hands devoted to holding the weapon. For incremental reloads, the reloader has an effective carrying capacity equal to twice the reloader's weight (any weight may be chosen for the reloader, but it's added to the weapon's weight to determine if it's Light, Medium, or Strong).

Light Weapons have an Accuracy of +2, Medium Weapons have an Accuracy of +1, and Strong Weapons have an Accuracy of +0. Once per round, a gunner standing at the weapon can use a Standard action to fire a weapon two times, or once if it is Heavy, taking penalties to accuracy in order to make extra attacks with semiautomatic and automatic weapons as desired. The gunner may opt to use their own accuracy instead of the amount provided, at a -1 penalty if Light, -2 if Medium, and -3 if Strong. It is also possible to use a Standard action to Ranged Guard with a non-Heavy mounted weapon.

Grouping Weapons

Multiple weapons can be grouped together in order to make them easier for a gunner to fire, letting them all be fired with full effect at once as a single action, although they must always share the same group of targets, and no more than one hit may be allocated to each target per round. The attachments needed to group multiple weapons together cost 20 coins per weapon and weigh 20 kilograms per weapon. Use the total weight of the set of weapons including attachments to determine whether they work as Light, Medium, or Strong. If ten or more attacks are made by identical weapons in a weapon group, they use Regiment Rapid Rolling rules.


A vehicle can be built to be controlled by any number of the following three methods:

Driver: The Driver controls the vehicle's actions from within as a move action each round. This either takes two hands or a wired connection to the vehicle.

Remote Control: As per a Driver, but the Driver controls the vehicle via a wireless connection. The wireless connection can be turned on or off at the vehicle as a standard action.

AI: The vehicle controls itself. Without the Advanced AI technology, the vehicle simply stops or lands at the nearest airport when it encounters danger, has no skills, and has a Perception of 0 (unless overriden by the Vehicle's stat block). With the Advanced AI technology, the vehicle can act in its faction's best interest even in dangerous conditions, and can be given Skills.

If a vehicle has wired or wireless connections, or an AI, it is susceptible to Hacking.

Vehicular Stealth

The Stealth of a vehicle is equal to that of the pilot, or -1 if there is no pilot.

A vehicle's engine can be heard at a distance equal to three times the distance it moved that turn, plus its size. Keep in mind that sound only travels about 5000 meters per round through air.


Many vehicles have options, chosen when the vehicle is created.


It is possible to force your way into a vehicle. Attempting to do so is an attack option made against a Vehicle you are currently Grappling. If you hit the Vehicle's GD with an unarmed attack, and would wound it, you force your way inside the vehicle. Most vehicles are incapable of attacking their occupants.

Vehicle List



Common   —   50 Coins
AD  3     GD 5     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 8
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  1 meter     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 500 kilograms      Weight 80 kilograms
Power Storage  3     Power Regeneration 0

You may apply any number of the following options.

Increased Size: The Turret's size doubles, its weight is multiplied by 8, its carrying capacity is multiplied by 4, it gets +1 HP, and it costs 10 additional points.


Creatures in the turret can be targeted from the Rear or Top without having to shoot through the turret.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 0 meters
  • Turning Radius: N/A, but it can turn 90 degrees per round.

Gun Emplacement

Gun Emplacement
Elite   —   650 Coins
AD  3     GD 6     Will 2     HP  7     Toughness 12
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  5 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 1000000 kilograms      Weight 100000 kilograms
Power Storage  6     Power Regeneration 1

You may apply any number of the following options.

Increased Size: The Gun Emplacement's size doubles, its weight is multiplied by 8, its carrying capacity is multiplied by 4, it gets +3 HP, and it costs 30 additional points.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 0 meters
  • Turning Radius: N/A, but it can turn 90 degrees per round.



Common   —   1 Coins
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 100 kilograms      Weight 3 kilograms
Power Storage  0     Power Regeneration 0

The skateboard breaks when encumbered.


Creatures on the board can be targeted from any side other than Bottom without having to shoot through the board.

Movement Modes

The Skateboard cannot move if its pilot is not riding it. It can do jumps using the pilot's jump distance, but the pilot must use an immediate action for each jump.


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: Pilot's land speed × 2
  • Turning Radius: 2 meters
  • Instability: 1


  • Minimum Speed: Pilot's land speed
  • Maximum Speed: Pilot's land speed × 6
  • Turning Radius: 5 meters
  • Instability: 1



Common   —   100 Coins
AD  5     GD 4     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 5
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  1 meter     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 200 kilograms      Weight 150 kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 0

You may apply any number of the following options.

Gyroscopic Tires: Your turning radius decreases by 2 meters, but your minimum and maximum speeds decrease by 20%.


Tires (One targetable from Left, Right, and Front Side, one targetable from on Left, Right, and Rear side): HP 1, Toughness 4. Destroying the front tire sends the motorbike flying forwards half as far as it moved on the previous round before coming to a halt; destroying the rear tire makes it turn as hard as possible in a random direction.


Creatures on the motorbike can be targeted from any side other than Bottom without having to shoot through the motorbike.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 500 meters
  • Turning Radius: 5 meters
  • Instability: 1

Maximum Throttle:

  • Minimum Speed: 500 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 1000 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters
  • Instability: 1



Common   —   200 Coins
AD  5     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 6
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  3 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 500 kilograms      Weight 1500 kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 1

You may apply any number of the following options.

Hydrogen Cells (Targetable on Bottom side): HP 1, Toughness 4. If the Hydrogen Cells are destroyed, they explode, making a +4 1d6+1 Heat damage attack against everything in a 10 meter blast, hitting the car itself automatically. While functioning properly, the Hydrogen Cells grant an additional Movement Mode after Maximum ThrottleTurbo: Minimum Speed 1200 meters, Maximum Speed 1500 meters, 40 meter Turning Radius, Instability 1.

Automatic Safety Protocols (AI control required): The car has seatbelts which cannot be removed while in motion (HP 1, Toughness 3). It cannot drive faster than the speed limit or drive into restricted areas. When it is used to commit a traffic violation, the AI driver automatically takes over and parks the vehicle. Disabling these safety protocols has a hacking difficulty of 2.


Tires (Two on Left Side, two on Right): HP 1, Toughness 4. Destroying a tire forces the car to turn as hard as possible in the direction of the destroyed tire. With multiple destroyed tires, the car moves for one more round in a random possible direction before coming to a halt.

Engine (Targetable on both Front and Bottom sides): HP 1, Toughness 5. Destroying the engine forces the car to travel at half the speed it was moving on the previous round, then come to a halt.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 450 meters
  • Turning Radius: 5 meters

Maximum Throttle:

  • Minimum Speed: 450 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 1200 meters
  • Turning Radius: 20 meters
  • Instability: 1



Elite   —   350 Coins
AD  4     GD 6     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 7
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  9 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 54000 kilograms      Weight 6000 kilograms
Power Storage  4     Power Regeneration 1

You may apply any number of the following options.

Automatic Safety Protocols (AI control required): The truck has seatbelts which cannot be removed while in motion (HP 1, Toughness 3). It cannot drive faster than the speed limit or drive into restricted areas. When it is used to commit a traffic violation, the AI driver automatically takes over and parks the vehicle. Disabling these safety protocols has a hacking difficulty of 2.


Tires (Nine on Left Side, nine on Right): HP 1, Toughness 4, AD 4. Destroying three tires on a given side forces the truck to turn as hard as possible in the direction of the destroyed tire. With six or more destroyed tires total, the truck moves for one more round in a random possible direction before coming to a halt.

Engine (Targetable on both Front and Bottom sides): HP 1, Toughness 5, AD 4. Destroying the engine forces the truck to travel at two thirds the speed it was moving on the previous round, then one-third the speed for another round, then come to a halt.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 150 meters
  • Turning Radius: 15 meters

Highway Speed:

  • Minimum Speed: 150 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 250 meters
  • Turning Radius: 30 meters

Maximum Throttle:

  • Minimum Speed: 250 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 550 meters
  • Turning Radius: 45 meters
  • Instability: 1


Elite   —   420 Coins
AD  5     GD 6     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 7
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  5 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 3000 kilograms      Weight 4000 kilograms
Power Storage  3     Power Regeneration 1

You may apply any number of the following options.

Armor Plating: The jeep's main body gets +1 Toughness. This weighs 1000 kilograms.

Treads (One on Left side, one on Right): HP 2, Toughness 5, AD 4. These replace tires. When a tread is destroyed, the jeep pivots on its axis 90 degrees, then stops. If it was moving at Maximum Speed, it flips over, dealing 1d6-1 Physical damage to the occupants. The jeep's speeds are reduced by 25%, and turning radii are increased by 50%.

Monster Tires (Two on Left Side, two on Right): HP 1, Toughness 6, AD 4. These replace tires, and are destroyed in the same way. The jeep can roll over obstacles up to 2 meters high. The jeep's turning radii are increased by 50%.


Tires (Two on Left Side, two on Right): HP 1, Toughness 5, AD 8. Destroying a tire forces the jeep to turn as hard as possible in the direction of the destroyed tire. With multiple destroyed tires, the jeep moves for one more round in a random possible direction before coming to a halt.

Engine (Targetable on both Front and Bottom sides): HP 2, Toughness 6, AD 8. Destroying the engine forces the jeep to travel at half the speed it was moving on the previous round, then come to a halt.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 375 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters

Maximum Throttle:

  • Minimum Speed: 375 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 875 meters
  • Turning Radius: 24 meters
  • Instability: 1



Elite   —   500 Coins
AD  3     GD 5     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 11
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  8 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 20000 kilograms      Weight 8000 kilograms
Power Storage  2     Power Regeneration 2

You may apply any the following option.

Repulsors: HP 2, Toughness 5, AD 5. These replace wheels. Destroying a repulsor forces the train to turn as hard as possible in the direction of the destroyed repulsor, derailing and hurtling rapidly to a collision with whatever is now in front of it. The train's speeds and turning radii are increased by 50%.


Wheels (Two on Left Side, two on Right): HP 1, Toughness 8, AD 5. Destroying a wheel forces the train to turn as hard as possible in the direction of the destroyed wheel, derailing and hurtling rapidly to a collision with whatever is now in front of it.

Engine (Targetable on both Front and Bottom sides): HP 2, Toughness 6, AD 5. Destroying the engine forces the train to decrease its movement mode one step each round, stopping after it reaches the Slow movement mode.

Movement Modes

Slow: The Train must follow its track.

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 550 meters
  • Turning Radius: 9 meters

Fast: The Train must follow its track.

  • Minimum Speed: 550 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 1300 meters
  • Turning Radius: 36 meters

Maximal Speed: The Train must follow its track.

  • Minimum Speed: 1300 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 2125 meters
  • Turning Radius: 72 meters

Shuffling Mound

Shuffling Mound.png

Shuffling Mound
Elite   —   700 Coins
Technologies: Coordinated Nanobots
AD  6     GD 6     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 5
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  5 meters     Reach 2 meters
Carrying Capacity 1000 kilograms      Weight 4000 kilograms
Power Storage  2     Power Regeneration 1

Shuffling mounds are hollow heaps of color- and reflectivity-shifting nanobots. They reorient theirselves to form parascopic views of the outside world for the crew. The Shuffling Mound does not have any inherent non-touch sensors, and so is not a very effective AI vehicle unless wirelessly connected to cameras.

The Shuffling Mound's Light Weapons can fire in any direction. It can spend Power to heal an equal amount of HP at any time(s) during its turn. Unlike most other vehicles, it can make unarmed attacks.

Movement Modes

Drift: Submarine

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 75 meters
  • Turning Radius: 6 meters

Float: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 75 meters
  • Turning Radius: 6 meters


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 150 meters
  • Turning Radius: 3 meters



Paragon   —   1400 Coins
Technologies: Military Vehicles
AD  4     GD 6     Will 2     HP  6     Toughness 10
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  8 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 6000 kilograms      Weight 20000 kilograms
Power Storage  6     Power Regeneration 3

The Battlemech's Light Weapons can fire in any direction.


You may apply up to one of the following options.

Jump Jets: The battlemech gains a new Movement Mode before SlowFly: Minimum Speed 0 meters, Maximum Speed 75 meters, 0 meter Turning Radius, Climb 15 meters, Instability 2, aerial. The battlemech is worth 15 additional points.

Quadruped: The battlemech gains two additional legs, and doesn't suffer from losing legs until it loses a second one. This weighs 3000 kilograms.

You may apply any number of the following options.

Nuclear Engine (Requires Miniaturized Fission technology): The battlemech's speeds increase by 50%, its carrying capacity increases by 3000 kilograms, and its Power Regeneration increases by 3. When the Engine is destroyed, it explodes, making a ranged attack against every creature and unattended object in a 300 meter spray for 1d6+3 Heat damage, with an accuracy of +5. The battlemech is worth 20 additional points.


Legs (Two, targetable from any side except Top): HP 2, Toughness 6, AD 5. Destroying a leg forces the battlemech to fall prone, and lose the ability to stand up again.

Engine (Targetable from Rear): HP 2, Toughness 7, AD 5. Destroying the engine forces the battlemech to travel at half the speed it was moving on the previous round, then come to a halt.

Movement Modes

Slow: The Battlemech can travel over obstacles up to 5 meters high.

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 200 meters
  • Turning Radius: 2 meters

Sprint: The Battlemech can travel over obstacles up to 1 meter high.

  • Minimum Speed: 200 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 500 meters
  • Turning Radius: 40 meters
  • Instability: 1



Common   —   50 Coins
AD  5     GD 4     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 3
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 5 kilograms      Weight 10 kilograms
Power Storage  0     Power Regeneration 0

The Drone's Light Weapons can fire in any direction.

The Drone cannot have passengers or pilot inside it.


You may apply any of the following options.

Extra Strength: The drone gets +1 Toughness, and its weight and carrying capacity double. The drone is worth 3 extra points.

Stealth: The drone becomes undetectable to radar and TEMPEST sense. It has active camouflage which can be toggled on or off as a move action, which quarters the distance at which it can be seen but makes it no longer undetectable to TEMPEST. The drone is worth 3 additional points.


Engine (Targetable from all sides other than Bottom): HP 1, Toughness 3. The drone falls from the sky.

Sensors (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP 1, Toughness 2. The drone can no longer detect things.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 300 meters
  • Turning Radius: 3 meters
  • Climb: 60 meters
  • Instability: 1

Powered Parachute

Powered Parachute
Common   —   150 Coins
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 4
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  1 meter     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 100 kilograms      Weight 50 kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 0

You may apply any number of the following options.

Covered Cockpit: All attacks against creatures in the parachute have to shoot through the parachute. This weighs 20 kilograms.


Tires (One targetable from Left, Right, and Front Side, one targetable from Left and Rear side, one targetable from Right and Rear side): HP 1, Toughness 4. Destroying a tire prevents it from moving on the ground. Landings become abrupt, dealing 1d6-1 damage to vehicle and rider.

Parachute (Targetable from all sides): HP 3, Toughness 3. Destroying this makes the vehicle fall from the sky.


Creatures in the parachute can be targeted from any side other than Rear without having to shoot through the parachute.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 150 meters
  • Turning Radius: 5 meters

Flying: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 125 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 175 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters
  • Climb: 10 meters
  • Instability: 2



Elite   —   450 Coins
AD  5     GD 5     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 6
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  4 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 400 kilograms      Weight 3000 kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 1

The Helicopter cannot be equipped with upward-firing weapons.


You may apply any number of the following options.

Tires (Two on Left Side, two on Right): HP 1, Toughness 4. Tires grant an additional Movement Mode before SlowGround: Minimum Speed 0 meters, Maximum Speed 150 meters, 8 meter Turning Radius, usable only while on the ground. Destroying a tire forces the helicopter to turn as hard as possible in the direction of the destroyed tire. With multiple destroyed tires, the helicopter moves for one more round in a random possible direction before coming to a halt. Tires (and the engine mechanisms which support them) weigh a total of 200 Kilograms.

Extra Cargo: The helicopter's size increases by 4 meters, its turning radii double, and its carrying capacity is multiplied by 4.

Vectored Jets: Instead of a Rotor, the helicopter has two vectored jets, one targetable on every side except Left, and one targetable on every side except Right. Destroying either one causes the helicopter to fall from the sky, with extra spin and force causing the effective fall distance to double. The helicopter's maximum and minimum speeds and climb double for all movement modes. The helicopter can now be equipped with upward-firing weapons.


Rotor (Targetable on every side other than Bottom): HP 1, Toughness 5. Destroying the Rotor forces the helicopter to fall from the sky.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 50 meters
  • Turning Radius: 1 meter
  • Climb: 30 meters
  • Instability: 2

Fast: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 50 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 500 meters
  • Turning Radius: 30 meters
  • Climb: 30 meters
  • Instability: 2



Elite   —   600 Coins
AD  6     GD 6     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 6
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  3 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 225 kilograms      Weight 1500 kilograms
Power Storage  2     Power Regeneration 1

The Gyroplane cannot be equipped with upward-firing weapons.


Rotor (Targetable on every side other than Bottom): HP 1, Toughness 5. Destroying the Rotor makes the gyroplane lose its Slow movement mode.

Propeller (Total Concealment from Sides and Bottom, targetable from all sides other than Front): HP 1, Toughness 5. Destroying the Propeller makes the gyroplane lose its Fast and Very Fast movement modes.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 450 meters
  • Turning Radius: 5 meters

Slow: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 100 meters
  • Turning Radius: 1 meter
  • Climb: 30 meters
  • Instability: 2
  • Special: The Gyroplane cannot remain in this movement mode for multiple consecutive rounds.

Fast: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 100 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 600 meters
  • Turning Radius: 50 meters
  • Climb: 30 degrees
  • Instability: 2

Very Fast: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 600 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 1200 meters
  • Turning Radius: 200 meters
  • Climb: 30 degrees
  • Instability: 2



Elite   —   700 Coins
AD  3     GD 6     Will 2     HP  7     Toughness 7
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  40 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 30000 kilograms      Weight 22000 kilograms
Power Storage  6     Power Regeneration 1

If the blimp is over-encumbered, it sinks 75 meters per round.


Manifold (Targetable from all sides): HP -, Toughness 6. Damaging the manifold causes the blimp to lose bouyancy. For every wound inflicted upon the manifold, the blimp's carrying capacity decreases by 5000 kilograms.

Engines (One targetable from all sides other than Right, one targetable from all sides other than Left): HP 1, Toughness 6, AD 5. Destroying one makes it incapable of turning in the direction that one couldn't be targeted from, and disables the Fast movement mode. Destroying both keeps it from using the Slow movement mode either.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 150 meters
  • Turning Radius: 40 meters
  • Climb: 10 meters
  • Instability: 1

Fighter Jet

Fighter Jet
Paragon   —   1200 Coins
Technologies: Military Vehicles
AD  6     GD 6     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 6
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  9 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 3000 kilograms      Weight 15000 kilograms
Power Storage  2     Power Regeneration 1

You may apply up to two of the following options.

Increased Size: The jet's size increases by 6 meters, its turning radii double, and its carrying capacity is multiplied by 3.

Vectored Jets: The fighter jet's primary thrusters can be rotated, granting a new Movement Mode at the same level as Takeoff/LandingHover: Minimum Speed 0 meters, Maximum Speed 75 meters, 0 meter Turning Radius, Instability 2, Climb 30 meters, aerial. The fighter jet is worth 15 additional points.

Hypersonic: The fighter jet is optimized for speed, granting three new Movement Modes after SupersonicExtremely Fast: Minimum Speed 7500 meters, Maximum Speed 20000 meters, Turning Radius 80000 meters, Instability 3; Excessively Fast: Minimum Speed 20000 meters, Maximum Speed 30000 meters, Turning Radius 110000 meters, Instability 4; and Low Orbit: Minimum Speed 30000 meters, Maximum Speed 37500 meters, Turning Radius 160000 meters, Instability 4. Each of these movement speeds has 90 degree Climb. The fighter jet is worth 15 additional points.

Stealth: The fighter jet becomes undetectable to radar and TEMPEST sense. It has active camouflage which can be toggled on or off as a move action, which quarters the distance at which it can be seen but makes it no longer undetectable to TEMPEST. The fighter jet is worth 15 additional points.


Engine (Targetable from Rear): HP 1, Toughness 6. Destroying the Engine forces the fighter jet to fall from the sky.

Movement Modes

Taxi: Ground

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 50 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters

Takeoff/Landing: Ground

  • Minimum Speed: 50 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 750 meters
  • Turning Radius: 500 meters
  • Instability: 1

Fast: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 750 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 3000 meters
  • Turning Radius: 500 meters
  • Climb: 60 degrees
  • Instability: 2

Cruise: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 3000 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 4500 meters
  • Turning Radius: 3000 meters
  • Climb: 90 degrees
  • Instability: 2

Supersonic: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 4500 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 7500 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10000 meters
  • Climb: 90 degrees
  • Instability: 3

Jumbo Jet

Jumbo Jet.png

Jumbo Jet
Paragon   —   1300 Coins
AD  5     GD 6     Will 2     HP  6     Toughness 8
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  25 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 30000 kilograms      Weight 250000 kilograms
Power Storage  4     Power Regeneration 2

You may apply up to two of the following options.

Hypersonic: The jumbo jet is optimized for speed, granting four new Movement Modes after CruiseSupersonic: Minimum Speed 4500 meters, Maximum Speed 7500 meters, Turning Radius 30000 meters, Instability 2; Extremely Fast: Minimum Speed 7500 meters, Maximum Speed 20000 meters, Turning Radius 240000 meters, Instability 2; Excessively Fast: Minimum Speed 20000 meters, Maximum Speed 30000 meters, Turning Radius 330000 meters, Instability 2; and Low Orbit: Minimum Speed 30000 meters, Maximum Speed 37500 meters, Turning Radius 480000 meters, Instability 3. Each of these movement speeds has 30 degree Climb. The jumbo jet is worth 25 additional points.

Stealth: The jumbo jet becomes undetectable to radar and TEMPEST sense. The jumbo jet is worth 15 additional points.


Engines (Targetable on every side other than Top): HP 1, Toughness 5, AD 5. Destroying three engines forces the jumbo jet to fall from the sky. Each destroyed engine removes the fastest currently available movement mode.

Movement Modes

Taxi: Ground

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 50 meters
  • Turning Radius: 30 meters

Takeoff/Landing: Ground

  • Minimum Speed: 50 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 750 meters
  • Turning Radius: 1500 meters

Slow: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 750 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 1750 meters
  • Turning Radius: 600 meters
  • Climb: 30 degrees

Fast: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 1750 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 3000 meters
  • Turning Radius: 2250 meters
  • Climb: 30 degrees
  • Instability: 1

Cruise: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 3000 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 4500 meters
  • Turning Radius: 9000 meters
  • Climb: 30 degrees
  • Instability: 1


Paragon   —   1600 Coins
Technologies: Military Vehicles
AD  5     GD 5     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 9
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  15 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 35000 kilograms      Weight 100000 kilograms
Power Storage  10     Power Regeneration 1

You may apply any of the following options.

Thrusters (Targetable from every side other than top): HP 1, Toughness 5, AD 5. While the Thrusters are functional, the killsat's maximum Speed improves by 1250 meters, and its turning radius is halved. The killsat is worth 20 additional points.


Solar Panels (Targetable on every side): HP 3, Toughness 5. Destroying the Solar Panels means that it can no longer turn or change speed, its targeting systems run out of power after a week, and it gets -1 to Power Regeneration.

Antennae (Targetable from bottom): HP 1, Toughness 6, AD 5. This provides the Killsat with a wireless connection to other wireless-capable systems to which it has line of sight. The transmitter and receiver can be calibrated such that they only detect and send messages along a 10 meter wide beam; if the other end stops being within that beam, the Killsat normally returns to wide receive mode in order to establish a new lock, although it can be commanded to do otherwise.

Movement Modes

Orbit (35500-35900 km): Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 38900 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 39100 meters
  • Turning Radius: 35500000 meters
  • Climb: 15 meters

Space Rocket

Space Rocket
Legend   —   3500 Coins
Technologies: Military Vehicles
AD  6     GD 6     Will 3     HP  5     Toughness 6
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  10 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 3000 kilograms      Weight 150000 kilograms
Power Storage  3     Power Regeneration 3

When flying to a geosynchronous orbit or out of the planet's orbit entirely, the Space Rocket's carrying capacity is divided by 10.


You may apply the following option up to four times:

Increased Size: The space rocket's size doubles, its turning radii triple, and its weight and carrying capacity are multiplied by 8. Its point cost increases by 100 the first time this is applied, 300 the second time, 900 the third time, and 2700 the fourth.


Stage I Engine (Targetable from all sides other than Front): HP 3, Toughness 6. Destroying the Stage I Engine before it's been used up forces it to fall from the sky. It gets used up in the transit to Low Earth Orbit, at which point the Stage I Engine parachutes to the ground.

Movement Modes

Takeoff/Landing: Aerial (useable only while Stage I Engine is attached)

  • Climb: 50000 meters
  • Instability: 3

Maneuvering: Aerial (useable only while Stage I Engine is not attached)

  • Minimum Speed: 25000 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 40000 meters
  • Turning Radius: 250000 meters
  • Climb: 30 degrees
  • Instability: 2


Common   —   100 Coins
AD  5     GD 5     Will 1     HP  2     Toughness 4
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  2 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 200 kilograms      Weight 350 kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 0

Engine (Targetable from all sides): HP 1, Toughness 5. Destroying the engine makes it continue forwards, decelerating by one step each round.


Creatures on the jetski can be targeted from any side other than Bottom without having to shoot through the jetski.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 450 meters
  • Turning Radius: 5 meters

Maximum Throttle: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 450 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 750 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters
  • Instability: 1


Common   —   200 Coins
AD  5     GD 5     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 5
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  4 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 600 kilograms      Weight 1200 kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 1

Engine (Targetable from Rear): HP 1, Toughness 5. Destroying the engine makes it continue forwards, decelerating by one step each round.

Lower Hull (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP -, Toughness 4. Damaging the lower hull causes the ship to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the ship takes on 200 kilograms of water per round.


Creatures in the boat can be targeted from the Top without having to shoot through the boat.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 275 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters

Maximum Throttle: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 275 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 375 meters
  • Turning Radius: 20 meters
  • Instability: 1


Elite   —   600 Coins
AD  5     GD 5     Will 2     HP  3     Toughness 8
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  4 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 500 kilograms      Weight 2000 kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 0

The Minisub can have the following option:

Reactor (Targetable from Rear): HP 1, Toughness 6, AD 5. Destroying the reactor makes it detonate, as per a nuke. Its existing speeds increase by 50%, and it gains an additional movement mode, Turbo: Submarine, 480-600 meter speed, 50 meter turning radius, climb 30 meters, instability 1. The minisub's carrying capacity increases by 300 kilograms, its Power Regeneration increases by 3, and its cost increases by 70 points.


Propeller (Targetable from Rear): HP 1, Toughness 7, AD 5. Destroying the engine makes it continue forwards, decelerating by one step each round.

Hull (Targetable from all sides): HP -, Toughness 8. Damaging the lower hull causes the ship to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the hull, the minisub takes on 400 kilograms of water per round.

Movement Modes

Slow: Submarine

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 175 meters
  • Turning Radius: 5 meters
  • Climb: 30 meters

Very Fast: Submarine

  • Minimum Speed: 175 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 320 meters
  • Turning Radius: 15 meters
  • Climb: 30 meters
  • Instability: 1


Paragon   —   1600 Coins
AD  4     GD 6     Will 2     HP  6     Toughness 11
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  20 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 100000 kilograms      Weight 120000 kilograms
Power Storage  10     Power Regeneration 3

Engine (Targetable from Bottom): HP 1, Toughness 6, AD 6. Destroying the engine makes it continue forwards, decelerating by one step each round.

Lower Hull (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP -, Toughness 5, AD 6. Damaging the lower hull causes the ship to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the ship takes on 400 kilograms of water per round.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 225 meters
  • Turning Radius: 30 meters

Very Fast: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 225 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 350 meters
  • Turning Radius: 50 meters

Maximum Throttle: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 350 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 450 meters
  • Turning Radius: 80 meters



Paragon   —   2400 Coins
Technologies: Military Vehicles
AD  3     GD 6     Will 2     HP  6     Toughness 12
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  40 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 1500000 kilograms      Weight 3750000 kilograms
Power Storage  5     Power Regeneration 10

Propeller (Targetable from Rear): HP 1, Toughness 7, AD 6. Destroying the engine makes it continue forwards, decelerating by one step each round.

Reactor (Targetable from inside only): HP 2, Toughness 5, AD 6. Destroying the reactor makes it detonate, as per a nuke.

Hull (Targetable from all sides): HP -, Toughness 12. Damaging the lower hull causes the submarine to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the ship takes on 2000 kilograms of water per round.

Movement Modes

Slow: Submarine

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 125 meters
  • Turning Radius: 20 meters
  • Climb: 20 meters

Very Fast: Submarine

  • Minimum Speed: 125 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 300 meters
  • Turning Radius: 90 meters
  • Climb: 20 meters
  • Instability: 1


Legend   —   6000 Coins
Technologies: Military Vehicles
AD  3     GD 6     Will 3     HP  12     Toughness 13
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  80 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 6000000 kilograms      Weight 30000000 kilograms
Power Storage  40     Power Regeneration 10

The Battlecruiser may be given either or both of the following options:

Aircraft Carrier: The Battlecruiser has aircraft elevators, an internal hangar, and a long flat surface on top.

Helicarrier: The Battlecruiser gains four Rotors with HP 1, Toughness 10, and AD 5, targetable from all sides. So long as at least two of them are functional, it has an Aerial Airborne movement speed before Slow with a minimum speed of 0 meters, a maximum speed of 75 meters, a turning radius of 10 meters, and 20 meter climb. This movement mode drains 100000 kilograms of fuel per hour. The Battlecruiser is worth 100 additional points.


Engine (Targetable from Bottom): HP 1, Toughness 10, AD 5. Destroying the engine makes it continue forwards, decelerating by one step each round.

Lower Hull (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP -, Toughness 13. Damaging the lower hull causes the ship to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the ship takes on 2000 kilograms of water per round.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 200 meters
  • Turning Radius: 100 meters

Very Fast: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 200 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 400 meters
  • Turning Radius: 160 meters

Maximum Throttle: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 400 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 550 meters
  • Turning Radius: 320 meters