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=== Vehicle List ===
=== Vehicle List ===

Revision as of 18:51, 6 July 2013

A vehicle is a special type of creature, in that it has facing, and non-removable equipment which can only be hit from certain angles.


When a vehicle moves, its facing becomes equal to the direction it was moving at the end of that movement. Vehicles frequently have a minimum turning radius, as well, which is the smallest distance the vehicle can pivot around while moving.


Vehicular movement is fundamentally different from the movement of other creatures. Rather than taking actions to move, at the beginning of a vehicle's turn it travels according to its current Movement Mode; before doing so, it may adjust its mode up or down one step. The following are statistics of a Mode:

Minimum Speed: The minimum distance that the vehicle must travel each turn in this Mode.

Maximum Speed: The maximum distance that the vehicle may travel each turn in this Mode.

Turning Radius: The minimum radius of the circle that the vehicle may pivot around while moving in this Mode.


When a vehicle collides with something, both the vehicle and that thing suffer an attack with values dependent on their relative velocity. The relative velocity for a vehicle/non-vehicle collision is simply equal to the full distance the vehicle would have moved this turn. The relative velocity for a vehicle/vehicle collision is equal to that full distance added to the distance the other vehicle moved on its previous turn, using vector subtraction. The attack bonus of the attack is equal to the other entity's AD-5, and the damage is 1d8-8 +1 per 30 meters/round.


Vehicles have special equipment which can only be hit from certain angles. A Left side item, for example, can only be hit by creatures that have a firing line to the left side of the vehicle. A glancing shot is less likely to be effective than a perpendicular one: if the angle from the firer to the vehicle's side is more than 45 degrees, the item has Cover.


A vehicle has specific roles, which require crew members to accomplish them.

Driver: The Driver controls the vehicle's actions from within as a move action each round. This takes two hands.

Gunner: The Gunner uses its attacks and attack bonus to fire one or more of the vehicle's weapons.

Deckhand: The Deckhand keeps the vehicle moving properly as a standard action each round. For every deckhand fewer than the optimal number, the vehicle has a 1 in 10 chance of adjusting its movement mode down one step.

When a vehicle is reduced to 0 HP or less, each creature inside it takes one damaging hit equal to 1d6+the Vehicle's Toughness for every Wound inflicted on the vehicle by the triggering attack or effect.


Many vehicles have options, chosen when the vehicle is created.


It is possible to force your way into a vehicle. Attempting to do so is an attack option made against a Vehicle you are currently Grappling. If you hit the Vehicle's GD with an unarmed attack, and would wound it, you force your way inside the vehicle. Most vehicles are incapable of attacking their occupants.

Vehicle List



200 copper
AD  4     GD 5     Will 0     HP  3     Toughness 6
Stealth -1
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  2 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity * kilograms      Weight 90 kilograms

The carriage collapses if more than 300 kilograms of stuff is carried on it.



1 or more Pullers: The carrying capacity of the Carriage is equal to the combined carrying capacity of all Pullers, multiplied by 3, minus the Carriage's weight. The land speed of the slowest Puller is listed as Pull Speed in the Movement Modes section. The Pullers must devote two move actions each turn to pulling the Carriage.


Up to one of the following options may be applied.

Increased Size: You may increase the size of the carriage to 3 meters, increasing its weight to 300 kilograms, the maximum amount of stuff it can support to 1000 kilograms, and its price to 1000 copper. You may increase the size even further, to 8 meters, increasing its weight to 5000 kilograms, the maximum amount of stuff it can support to 6000 kilograms, and its price to 2000 copper.

Reduced Size: You may decrease the size of the carriage to 1.5 meters, decreasing its weight to 40 kilograms, the maximum amount of stuff it can support to 100 kilograms, and its price to 150 copper.


Wheel (Two on Left Side, two on Right): HP 1, Toughness 4, AD 5. Destroying a wheel forces the carriage to turn as hard as possible in the direction of the destroyed wheel. With multiple destroyed wheels, the carriage moves for one more round in a random possible direction before coming to a halt.

Movement Modes


  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: Pull Speed × 2 meters
  • Turning Radius: 6 meters


  • Minimum Speed: Pull Speed × 2 meters
  • Maximum Speed: Pull Speed × 5 meters
  • Turning Radius: 12 meters



300 copper
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  3     Toughness 4
Stealth 0
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  2 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 100 kilograms      Weight 50 kilograms

1 Rower: The Rower also functions as a Driver. The land speed of the Rower is listed as Row Speed in the Movement Modes section.


Lower Hull (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP -, Toughness 3. Damaging the lower hull causes the rowboat to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the rowboat takes on 50 kilograms of water per round.


Creatures in the boat can be targeted from any side other than Bottom without having to shoot through the boat.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: Row Speed meters
  • Turning Radius: 2 meters

Fast: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: Row Speed meters
  • Maximum Speed: Row Speed × 2 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters


1000 copper
AD  4     GD 5     Will 0     HP  4     Toughness 6
Stealth 0
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  6 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 4000 kilograms      Weight 6000 kilograms

If the boat is overloaded, it sinks over the course of 3 rounds.


Driver and 2 Deckhands. Everyone is on deck.


Mast (One targetable from all sides other than Bottom): HP 1, Toughness 4, AD 4. Destroying the mast disables the fastest movement mode currently available to the boat.

Lower Hull (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP –, Toughness 6. Damaging the lower hull causes the boat to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the boat takes on 400 kilograms of water per round.


Creatures in the boat can be targeted from any side other than Bottom without having to shoot through the boat.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 100 meters
  • Turning Radius: 30 meters

Fast: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 100 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 225 meters
  • Turning Radius: 40 meters



8000 copper
AD  4     GD 6     Will 0     HP  7     Toughness 9
Stealth -1
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  20 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 40000 kilograms      Weight 120000 kilograms

If the ship is overloaded, it sinks over the course of 3 rounds.


Driver and 10 Deckhands. Driver and deckhands are on deck.

10 Bilge-Pumpers: A Bilge-Pumper can pump out twice its encumbered load-worth of water as a standard action. Bilge-pumpers are belowdeck.


Mast (Three targetable from all sides other than Bottom): HP 1, Toughness 6, AD 5. Destroying a mast disables the fastest movement mode currently available to the ship.

Lower Hull (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP -, Toughness 9. Damaging the lower hull causes the ship to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the ship takes on 400 kilograms of water per round.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 75 meters
  • Turning Radius: 30 meters

Fast: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 75 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 150 meters
  • Turning Radius: 40 meters

All-Out: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 150 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 225 meters
  • Turning Radius: 80 meters



20000 copper
AD  3     GD 6     Will 0     HP  8     Toughness 6
Stealth -2
Descriptors  [ Machine ], [ Orange ]
Size  30 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 10000 kilograms      Weight 12000 kilograms

If the zeppelin is overloaded, it sinks 30 meters per round, not half the normal fall speed.


Driver and 6 Deckhands.


Manifold (Targetable from all sides): HP -, Toughness 6. Damaging the manifold causes the zeppelin to lose bouyancy. For every wound inflicted upon the manifold, the zeppelin's carrying capacity decreases by 3000 kilograms.

Furnace (Total cover from all sides, targetable from all sides other than Top): HP 2, Toughness 8, AD 5. Destroying the Unlimited furnace that powers the Zeppelin causes its carrying capacity to decrease by 500 kilograms per round.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 25 meters
  • Turning Radius: 40 meters

Fast: Aerial

  • Minimum Speed: 25 meters
  • Maximum Speed: 50 meters
  • Turning Radius: 60 meters