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(Trap List)
Line 86: Line 86:
:Cost: 100 [[copper]] per square meter
:Cost: 100 [[copper]] per square meter
'''Concealed Spikes:''' These spikes suddenly spring forward, making a 1 meter reach melee attack with an [[Accuracy]] of +2 for 1d6+2 Physical damage. The spikes retract after 1 round. Spikes can be coated with [[poison and disease|poison or disease]].
'''Concealed Spikes:''' These spikes suddenly spring forward, making a 1 meter reach melee attack with an [[Accuracy]] of +2 for 1d6+1 Physical damage. The spikes retract after 1 round. Spikes can be coated with [[poison and disease|poison or disease]].
:Stealth: 3
:Stealth: 3
:Disarm: 4
:Disarm: 4
Line 101: Line 101:
:Cost: 500 [[copper]], plus wand with gem. Creation fails unless the creator succeeds on a DC 6 [[Supernatural Philosophy]] check.
:Cost: 500 [[copper]], plus wand with gem. Creation fails unless the creator succeeds on a DC 6 [[Supernatural Philosophy]] check.
'''Crusher:''' The ceiling falls down, making an attack with a +2 bonus for 1d6+4 Physical damage against each creature and unattended object in the area. Targets more than 1 meter from the edge are hit automatically. It takes 5 rounds to lift all the way up again. During the first round, the ceiling is so low that hit creatures are effectively [[paralyzed]].
'''Crusher:''' The ceiling falls down, making an attack with a +2 bonus for 1d6+3 Physical damage against each creature and unattended object in the area. Targets more than 1 meter from the edge are hit automatically. It takes 5 rounds to lift all the way up again. During the first round, the ceiling is so low that hit creatures are effectively [[paralyzed]].
:Stealth: Hidden
:Stealth: Hidden
:Disarm: 7
:Disarm: 7

Latest revision as of 18:33, 23 June 2024

Creating Triggers and Traps: Triggers and traps are items, and are created as such.

Trap Triggers


Detection Method: How the trigger detects a victim.

Stealth: How easy it is to find the trigger. Some triggers can't be simply found at a glance even by high-Perception characters, and are instead hidden. By default, this makes them poorly-hidden, although you may choose to make them immediately obvious if you wish.

Cost: The amount of copper the trigger is worth. By doubling the price and making a DC 9 Legerdemain check, you can give the trigger +2 Stealth or improve it from poorly-hidden to decently-hidden.

Disarm: The Items check DC to break the trigger without triggering it, with 3 rounds of concentration. +2 to the DC brings it down to 2 rounds, or +4 to the DC brings it down to 1 round. +3 to the DC disables the trigger without breaking it. Failing the check triggers the trap.

Trigger List

Trap1 0002.jpg

Pressure Plate:

Detection Method: The pressure plate is set to a specific weight. When a creature or object weighing at least that much is placed upon it, it triggers.
Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 3
Cost: 200 copper

Reverse Pressure Plate:

Detection Method: The reverse pressure plate is set to a specific weight. When the total weight of creatures or objects on it is less than that, it triggers.
Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 3
Cost: 200 copper

Tripwire: Once a tripwire is tripped, it is broken.

Detection Method: The tripwire is pulled by creatures moving past it. When the creature starts to move past it, it can attempt a DC 6 Agility check as an immediate action to pull back before the tripwire is tripped.
Stealth: 2
Disarm: 4
Cost: 5 copper


Detection Method: The lever is intentionally pulled, as a standard action.
Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 4
Cost: 5 copper.


Detection Method: The chosen source trap finishes resolving. For traps Linked in series, at most 6 traps are sprung per round.
Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 5
Cost: 5 copper.


Detection Method: A creature reads and understands the Glyph.
Stealth: 6 or less, determined upon creation. Detecting the glyph involves reading it.
Disarm: 2
Cost: 500 copper. Creation fails unless the creator has an implanted purple gem and succeeds on a DC 6 Supernatural Philosophy check.

Warp Detector: This is a small purple cube.

Detection Method: Something teleports to a place within 5 meters, or an entry point comes within 5 meters.
Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 5
Cost: 1000 copper. Creation fails unless the creator has an implanted purple gem and succeeds on a DC 6 Supernatural Philosophy check.

Word Sensor: This is a word in a circle.

Detection Method: A creature speaks or writes the word while within 10 meters.
Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 2
Cost: 500 copper. Creation fails unless the creator has an implanted purple gem and succeeds on a DC 6 Supernatural Philosophy check.

Death Sensor: This is a skull with carvings in it.

Detection Method: A [ Living ] creature of the specified tier or greater dies within 5 meters.
Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 5
Cost: 1000 copper. Creation fails unless the creator has an implanted white gem and succeeds on a DC 6 Supernatural Philosophy check.

Trap Effects



Stealth: How easy it is to find the trap. Some traps can't be simply found at a glance even by high-Perception characters, and are instead hidden. By default, this makes them poorly-hidden, although you may choose to make them immediately obvious if you wish.

Cost: The amount of copper the trap is worth. By doubling the price and making a DC 9 Legerdemain check, you can give the trap +2 Stealth or improve it from poorly-hidden to decently-hidden. By doubling the price, you can give the trap +3 to Accuracy; this bonus may be obtained any number of times.

Disarm: The Items check DC to break the trap without triggering it, with 3 rounds of concentration. +2 to the DC brings it down to 2 rounds, or +4 to the DC brings it down to 1 round. +3 to the DC disables the trap without breaking it. Failing the check triggers the trap.

Trap List

Door: This opens to drop victims into a hazard below or permit passage to another room, then closes again after 1 round.

Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 5
Cost: 100 copper per square meter

Concealed Spikes: These spikes suddenly spring forward, making a 1 meter reach melee attack with an Accuracy of +2 for 1d6+1 Physical damage. The spikes retract after 1 round. Spikes can be coated with poison or disease.

Stealth: 3
Disarm: 4
Cost: 100 copper

Springloaded Weapon: A weapon is set to attack the nearest creature in a specific line, with an Accuracy of +1. The weapon rearms after 1 round.

Stealth: 3
Disarm: 3
Cost: 100 copper, plus weapon.

Springloaded Wand: A wand is set to cast a spell on the nearest target(s) in specific line(s), with an Accuracy of +1 and Save DC of 5, if relevant.

Stealth: 3
Disarm: 3
Cost: 500 copper, plus wand with gem. Creation fails unless the creator succeeds on a DC 6 Supernatural Philosophy check.

Crusher: The ceiling falls down, making an attack with a +2 bonus for 1d6+3 Physical damage against each creature and unattended object in the area. Targets more than 1 meter from the edge are hit automatically. It takes 5 rounds to lift all the way up again. During the first round, the ceiling is so low that hit creatures are effectively paralyzed.

Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 7
Cost: 1000 copper per square meter.

Snare: A rope grabs the centermost creature in a 1 meter space if it hits them with an attack against GD using an Accuracy of +3. Upon successfully grabbing the creature, the creature is hoisted into the air and paralyzed. The rope has 1 HP and 5 Toughness.

Stealth: 3
Disarm: 1
Cost: 1 copper per kilogram of lifting capacity. 1 copper per meter of lifting distance.

Bell: A bell rings, audible out to a distance depending on the size of the bell. The audible distance can be anywhere from 5 to 500 meters.

Stealth: Hidden
Disarm: 2
Cost: 1 copper for every meter of audible distance of the bell.

Gas Sprayer: A container of gaseous poison or disease is set to break, releasing a cloud of gas.

Stealth: 4
Disarm: 3
Cost: 100 copper, plus poison or disease.

Trap Monsters

Some monsters are generally too stationary to function except as traps.

Icicle Imp

Icicle Imp.png

An icicle imp looks exactly like an ordinary icicle (a Good Disguise), but it can generate unusual amounts of cold.

Icicle imps are not particularly smart, and can only speak Cryonic languages.

Icicle Imp
Common   —   3 points
AD  2     GD 2     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Blue ]
Movement  None, and it can't gain any.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Extras  Quick

The Icicle Imp has a melee Magic-Damage Chill weapon which deals 1d6-1 Cold damage and chills the wounded target.

The icicle imp has some control over nearby icicles, and can force any number of them within 10 meters to fall as an immediate action.

Icicle imps do not move on their own: rather, they become dormant upon melting, only to regain consciousness when they eventually form into icicles again.

Icicle imps return from death when reformed back into an icicle.


Frost Aura (4 points): As a standard action, the icicle imp can emit a blast of cold, which makes an attack against AD against each creature or unattended object in a 10 meter blast for 1d6-1 Cold damage. It gains 2 Basic Specialties.

Alternate Forms (6 points): While liquid or steam, the icicle imp still cannot make attacks, but it can move and remains conscious. In water form, it gains 5 meter land, swim, and burrow speeds, with a 0 meter jump and sink distance. In steam form, it gains a 5 meter fly speed with 10 meter aerobatics distance. It gains 3 Basic Specialties.

Impstrumentality (5 points, requires Alternate Forms Advancement): The icicle imp becomes capable of sprouting limbs in order to move about while in icicle form. This gives it a 12 meter land speed with 1 meter jump distance, and 6 meter swim speed with -5 meter sink distance, and permits it to gain additional movement speeds by other means. Sprouting or reabsorbing its limbs takes a lesser action, and while its limbs are extant, it is not effectively disguised as an icicle. The icicle imp gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes Elite tier (giving it +1 HP).



A handlebug is a sort of isopod with a mutable shell.

The handlebug is not particularly smart, and can only speak Bug languages.

Common   —   5 points
AD  7     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -4     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  2 meter land speed with 0.25 meter jump distance.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Offensive
Extras  Small

The handlebug has ten "hands", its legs, and deals 1d6-2 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included). At the beginning of its turn, it can make one automatically hitting unarmed attack against a creature it is grappling. Its unarmed attacks inflict Demonsblood on a successful wound.

The handlebug can alter the color and texture of its shell in order to imitate various kinds of handles by secreting chemicals for one minute; it is a Decent Disguise.

The handlebug can crawl along walls and ceilings as easily as it crawls along the floor.


Convincing Handle (4 points): The handlebug actually functions as a handle when it replaces one, and its handle disguise becomes Good. It gains two Basic Specialties.

Conversationalist (2 points, requires Convincing Handle): The handlebug is moderately smart, and can speak. It can fill the locking mechanism of the door with its legs in order to prevent any creature from opening it, and to increase its effective weight for the purposes of removing it from the door by 50 kilograms. It gains a Basic Specialty.

Shrill Shrub

Shrill Shrub.png

A shrill shrub is a screeching bush that resembles a harmless shrubbery, as a Poor Disguise. It has no hands.

The shrill shrub is not particularly smart, and can only speak Vine languages.

Shrill Shrub
Common   —   10 points
AD  2     GD 2     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 5
Muscle -2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  None, and it can't gain any.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 2.5 kilograms      Weight 10 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Extras  Small

As a standard action the shrill shrub can emit a screeching noise which forces each creature that can hear it within 20 meters to make a Will save or take 1d6+4 Mind damage (Magic Power included). Creatures wounded by this are stunned for 1 round. The screeching noise is audible from 500 meters away.


Commanding Screech (4 points): Instead of being stunned by the shrub's screech, wounded creatures spend 1 round trying as hard as possible to bring more creatures within range of the screech. The shrub gains two Basic Specialties and becomes [ Pink ].



A slaughterpine is a majestic evergreen tree, roughly 20 meters in height, with remarkably sharp pine cones, that looks like a more conventional tree as a Poor Disguise. It has no hands.

The slaughterpine is not particularly smart, and can only speak Vine languages.

Common   —   16 points
AD  2     GD 3     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  None, and it can't gain any.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 6000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Well-Rounded, Brutal, Sturdy
Extras  Strong

The slaughterpine has a ranged Muscle-Damage Pine Cone Fling weapon, which deals 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included) and has a range of 80m/240m. If a creature is knocked unconscious by the slaughterpine's pine cone, the pine cone immediately begins to sprout from their body, dealing 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included) to the creature each turn: after 1 week, the pine cone has grown into a full slaughterpine tree. While in sprout form, pine cones have 1 HP, 6 AD, and 5 Toughness.


If the slaughterpine is given either of the following advancements, it becomes Elite tier (giving it +1 HP).

Ultrafast Sprouts (5 points): The slaughterpine gains an Advanced Specialty, and its Pine cones only take 4 rounds to grow into full (unadvanced) slaughterpine trees.

Wise Tree (5 points): The slaughterpine gains a longer, Heavy pine cone flinging attack which deals 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included) and has a range of 140m/420m. The slaughterpine can learn to speak, and gains an Advanced Specialty.

Lair Worm

Lair Worm.jpg

The lair worm is an approximately 4 meter long tubular creature with a cylindrical mouth filled with vicious teeth.

The lair worm is not particularly smart, and can only speak Bug languages.

Lair Worm
Elite   —   35 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 4     Accuracy  1 (including -1 for Prone)     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  12 meter land speed with 1 meter jump distance. 10 meter burrow speed.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 560 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Sturdy, Offensive, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Sturdy, Aggressive
Extras  Big

Lair worms are always prone, and cannot stand up (the penalties are already included, where possible).

The lair worm deals 1d6+3 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

It has a Swallow attack, which targets GD and can only be used against targets it has grappled: a creature with a size less than its own that would be wounded by this attack is swallowed by the lair worm instead, effectively grappling it in an inescapable grapple until the lair worm dies. Creatures swallowed by the lair worm take 1d6+4 Acid damage (Muscle included) at the beginnings of their turns.


Sudden Lurching (5 points): When using a melee guard, the lair worm may choose to move after it attacks as well. The lair worm gains an Advanced Specialty.

Expanding Throat (10 points): The lair worm can swallow creatures of up to twice its size. The lair worm gains two Advanced Specialties.

Rot Flower

Rot Flower.jpg

The rot flower is a disgusting-smelling flower, with a pinkish sort of decayed appearance. It can't make attacks at all, but it naturally attracts a cloud of flies which surround it and feast upon its fetid nectar.

Rot flowers are moderately intelligent, but can only speak Vine languages.

Rot Flower
Paragon   —   95 points
AD  2     GD 3     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 8
Muscle 0     Accuracy  N/A     Save DC 4     Magic Power 3
Stealth 2     Perception 3     Agility 8
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  None, and it can't gain any.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 60 kilograms
Basic Specialties  Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Stealthy, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 2, Aggressive 2
Extras  Quick

The rot flower has four (1+Magic Power) clouds of flies, and can command one cloud to assault a particular target as a standard action: the flies travel at a rate of 50 meters per round, occupy a roughly 1 meter radius sphere, and make a +2 attack against GD to enter the target's body, where they inflict 1 wound per round for three rounds. Multiple sets of flies can stack this wound infliction inside a single target. The flies are essentially immune to single-target attacks, but any attack that deals at least 1 damage and targets every creature in the flies' area kills all the flies; the rot flower takes 10 minutes to accumulate a new swarm. The flies are unwilling to travel more than 500 meters away from their rot flower. Destroying the rot flower disbands its swarms of flies.

Rot flowers cannot see.


Corpse Infestation (20 points): When a cloud of flies kills a creature, it can choose to remain inside that creature in order to animate it as a skeleton, but guided telepathically by the rot flower, which can hear from the animated creature's location. The cloud remains inside the creature, and cannot be harmed until it leaves. It leaves when the creature is killed again or when the rot flower commands it to. After 1 round of animating a creature, if the skeleton causes you to go over your point limit, it deanimates. The rot flower gains an Advanced Specialty.

Bug Wind (20 points): As a move action, the rot flower can move all of its clouds of flies up to 75 meters. It must move all of its clouds the same distance and direction; clouds that cannot move that far stop at the first obstacle encountered. The rot flower gains an Advanced Specialty.