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A Trask is a sort of reptilian cross between a mammoth and a giant sloth, steeped in the energies of death, but still a living creature.

Trasks are not particularly smart, and can only speak Draconic languages.

Legend   —   374 points
AD  3     GD 7     Will 1     HP  6     Toughness 8
Muscle 7     Accuracy  4     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 3     Agility -2
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ White ]
Movement  60 meter land speed with 10 meter jump. 20 meter burrow speed. 30 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  8 meters     Reach 3.38 meters
Carrying Capacity 1280 kilograms      Weight 46000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Ungrabbable, Aggressive 3, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 3
Extras  Big 3

The trask's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+7 damage (Muscle included).

It can spit globs of petrified death essence that deal 1d6+6 Cold damage (Muscle included) and have a range of 40m/80m; wounds inflicted on [ Undead ] creatures by this attack heal the creature by that much instead.

The Trask's particular usage of death energies mean that at the end of each of its turns, it heals 1 HP. If its HP becomes positive, it stops being Unconscious.

Any time the Trask would be dead, it is merely unconscious instead.


Long Range Spit (75 points): The range of the Trask's death spit attack increases to 60m/220m. The Trask gains an Advanced Specialty.

Peluda (75 points): The Trask gains a full coat of sharp quill-like hair. This gives it a Heavy Muscle-Damage Quill Shake weapon, where it makes an attack for 1d6+6 Physical damage (Muscle included) against each other creature in a 30 meter spray. When the Trask is struck by an unarmed attack, the attacker takes 1d6+7 Physical damage (Muscle included). The Trask gains an Advanced Specialty.