Optional Rules

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The following optional rules are not included in the main game because they slow down character creation, do not improve game balance, and are simply not important for the core game themes.


Races are listed in rough order of suitability to the implied world's core themes. As this is an optional rule, the DM and players are especially encouraged to ban, add, or modify to taste.

Supporting Changes: Instantiate perfect human should be changed to either have other versions for some or all of the other races, or it should create a perfect member of the caster's own race.


Humans are a diverse bunch of mammals, coming in a wide range of colors and facial structures. Many of them care strongly about their physical and cultural differences, and aspire to demonstrate that their breed of Humans is the best. The civilized, bureaucratic Gray Humans, with their imposing cities and disciplined militaries, are particularly arrogant about the superiority of their regimented way of life.

The theocratic Dark Humans, living in the subterranean realms of the Nethergrounds, are quite confident in the unparalleled excellence of their White magic.

The savage Wild Humans in their forest homes know that no other kind of Human observes its surroundings as keenly.

The confident, ambitious Blood Humans of the desert know that their practice of rewarding enterprise over empathy has led them to produce the greatest architectural wonders and finest developments in the field of Orange magic of any type of Human.

Other races are jealous of the Humans' exceptionally long lives: some Humans can live to be over a hundred years old.

Base Stats
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  6 meter land with 1 meter jump. 1 meter swim.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 60-90 Kilograms
Forbidden Options

Absurdly Huge: Humans are barely ever taller than 2 meters.


These weasels have ever-burning tails. Despite being related to solitary stealth hunters, they are quite sociable, possibly due to their extreme obviousness. A strong desire to impress other fireweasels with tales of their accomplishments leads to them being enthusiastic adventurers, liars, and scientists. They don't much like to share accomplishments with their competition, so are less likely to band together with other fireweasels than with members of different races.

Base Stats
Common   —   5 points
AD  6 (+2 factor)     GD 5     Will 1 (+1 factor)     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth -1     Perception 3 (+1 factor)     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  9 meter land with 3 meter jump.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Weight 1-2 Kilograms
Classes  Fire Attunement 1

The Fireweasel can use its mouth as a single "hand".

Fireweasels are somewhat attuned with Orange energies to the point that a predominance of other colors can impair their digestion. At the beginning of their turn, if they have more non-Orange gems implanted than Orange ones, they must waste a minor action ignoring the stomachache.

Forbidden Options

Any Ability which adds to Health or Toughness: Fireweasels are never particularly durable.

Unique Options
Fire Attunement
Common Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Fireweasel
♦ You gain Heat Resist 1. Taken a second time, this improves to 2. A third time, you gain Cold Resist 1
♦ You may have your unarmed attacks deal 1d6-2 Heat damage, be [ Magic-Damage ] instead of [ Muscle-Damage ], and light wounded targets on fire. Taken additional times, the damage increases by 1 each time.
♦ You get +2 meters to your movement speeds.
Special: This class may be taken up to three times.

Elite orange power

Paragon Orange Power
Paragon Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Fireweasel
♦ Choose one of the following spells: cannibalism, slow, delay spell, fireball. You may cast that spell (sans Boosts) without needing charges or a gem.
♦ You get +3 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ You get +1 to Agility
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Legend Orange Power
Legend Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Fireweasel
♦ Choose one of the following spells: wall of eternity, fire burst, souzaque, haste, annihilate item, temporal feast, or invasive surgery. You may cast that spell (sans Boosts) without needing charges or a gem.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.


Some kinds of bees are attuned enough to Pink energies that their many miniscule souls connect to form a single individual. The oversized queen bee at the heart of the swarm is the locus for these Pink energies, and no bee in the swarm can travel more than a meter from it. The bees typically stay touching one another, using their links to share muscle power.

Any given swarm of such bees has a particular pair of stripe colors, but no two swarms have quite the same pair of colors.

Base Stats
Swarm (Creature Form)
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 3
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  4 meter land with 4 meter jump.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 30-45 Kilograms

Swarm (Cloud Form)
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 3
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  4 meter fly with 4 meter aerobatics.
Size  2 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 30-45 Kilograms

Switching between Creature Form and Cloud Form is a move action.

The expendable nature of most of the bees in the Swarm reduces any damage taken by 1.

While in Cloud Form, single-target attacks against the Swarm may take a -2 penalty to the attack roll in order to deal +4 Damage, by targeting the queen bee precisely. Also while in Cloud Form, the Swarm can squeeze through spaces as small as 1 centimeter wide.

When the Swarm inflicts a wound using an unarmed attack, it may inflict a wound on itself to inflict another wound on the victim, by having its members sting them.

Swarms are somewhat attuned with Pink energies to the point that a predominance of other colors can impair their motions. If they have more non-Pink gems implanted than Pink ones, they move at half speed.


These hairy, bipedal reptilians are purely carnivorous, and naturally both territorial and violent. They reach adulthood at 2 years old, and are extremely weak with age to the point of death by 40. Unlike Humans, they are not typically pack animals, and would have great difficulty maintaining any sort of technological or linguistic developments if it were not for their genetic memories, and more limited ability to ingest the memories of other creatures by eating their brains.

Base Stats
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  4 meter land with 2 meter jump. 1 meter swim.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 60-90 Kilograms

By devouring the brain of a creature, the Bellig can learn any one language that creature knew, or a one-hour period of that creature's memories.

Belligs are somewhat attuned with Purple energies to the point that a predominance of other colors can impair their thinking. At the beginning of their turn, if they have more non-Purple gems implanted than Purple ones, they must waste a minor action ignoring the headache.

Forbidden Options

Defender, medic, healer, doctor, warlord: Belligs don't have the patience or empathy to appreciate protecting others to that extent.

Unique Options

Brain eater

Ancestral Shaman
Paragon Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Bellig.
♦ When rolling to save against a frightening thing you already failed a save against, you get a +2 bonus to your Will Save.
♦ When you eat the brain of a creature you may teleport to any place it has been in the last hour.
♦ You can use a +5 in Supernatural Philosophy or History instead of your normal bonus.


These pale, white-haired Humans were subjected to high but nonlethal amounts of White energies for significant periods of time, or are the descendants thereof.

Base Stats
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  6 meter land with 1 meter jump. 1 meter swim.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 60-90 Kilograms

Deathtouched live on a diet of bones, and when they kill a Common-tier or stronger creature with a heavy attack in melee, they may immediately heal 1 wound.

Deathtouched are somewhat attuned with White energies to the point that a predominance of other colors can impair their ability to live. While they have more non-White gems implanted than White ones they get -1 to Toughness.

There are also Pygmy Deathtouched, which have half the size and reach, 2 kilogram carrying capacity, and 8-12 kilogram weight.

Unique Options

Elite white power

Paragon White Power
Paragon Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Deathtouched
♦ Choose one of the following spells: animate skeletons, trace bindings, bone prison, or turn undead. You may cast that spell (sans Boosts) without needing charges or a gem.
♦ You can see 5% farther.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Legend White Power
Legend Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Deathtouched
♦ Choose one of the following spells: wall of bone or spine throw. You may cast that spell (sans Boosts) without needing charges or a gem.
♦ You can see 5% farther.
Special: This class may be taken up to two times.


Young Arthropi look like large eyes in a shiny black chitinous shell, with four equidistant legs, as well as two arms protruding from the centers of opposite sides of the shell.

Base Stats
Common   —   3 points
AD  7 (+8 Factor (Armor))     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  6 meter land with 1 meter jump. 1 meter swim.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Weight 8-12 Kilograms

Arthropi do not benefit from armor or from the implantation of gems.

Forbidden Options

Apprentice and all classes that require it: Arthropi are incapable of wielding gem-based energies.

Unique Options
Acid Blood.png
Acid Blood
Common Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  None.
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ Any melee attack which wounds you inflicts 1d6-1 Acid damage on the weapon (or the creature, in the case of an unarmed attack).
♦ You can secrete acid at will, dealing +1 Acid damage with Unarmed attacks.
♦ You gain Acid Resist 1.

Elite Tier Genomorph
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You can release calming pheromones that soothe people as a standard action. Make a ranged attack against GD against all other creatures in a 5 meter Muscle-Area blast: creatures you hit get a -2 penalty to Will Saves and Insight and treat all Insight checks against them as being 2 points higher. This effect lasts for 5 rounds.
♦ You can release intimidating pheromones that terrify people as a standard action. Creatures in a 5 meter Muscle-Area blast find you Frightening. After 5 rounds, creatures who were still suffering from this fear automatically recover.
♦ You can suppress your scent as a standard action. This lasts until you use a pheromone ability, and quarters the distance at which you can be smelled.

Lengthened Form
Elite Tier Expertise
You grow a few millipede-like segments from one edge of your body.
Prerequisites  Arthropus race.
♦ Your size and reach increase by 50%. You get +1 Muscle, and your weight triples.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ You can clamber up walls and ceilings as though they were the floor.

Acid Spit.png
Acid Spit
Elite Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  Acid Blood
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ The Acid damage inflicted upon weapons or creatures that attack you is repeated one round later.
♦ You gain a Muscle-Damage acid spit weapon, with 10m/40m range, which deals 1d6-2 Acid damage. If the attack hits, it also deals another 1d6-2 Acid damage one round later.
♦ Your Acid Resist increases by 1.


Part Cactus, part Human, these green desert-dwellers have a strong desire to form mobs every five years, for a period of about three months each time. When in mobs like this, they seldom manage to stay supplied with provisions, so mobbing times usually result in them deciding to raid nearby settlements.

For this reason, Blood Humans and Orcs are especially antagonistic towards each other.

Base Stats
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  4 meter land with 0.5 meter jump. 1 meter swim.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 60-90 Kilograms

When the Orc is hit with an unarmed attack, the attacker takes 1d6-2 Physical damage.

Unlike most creatures, Orcs die at -4 HP instead of -2.


These are Humans, but smaller. Some breeds of pygmy are also exceptionally stout and well-bearded. A particularly rare breed of pygmy can't comprehend the concept of property.

Base Stats
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  6 meter land with 1 meter jump. 1 meter swim.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Weight 8-12 Kilograms
Forbidden Options

Absurdly Huge: A giant pygmy? Don't be ridiculous.

Unique Options

Absurdly Tiny Ability (Stealth Category): The Pygmy gets a +1 bonus to Stealth, and +1 meter to all of its movement speeds. Its space and reach are halved, its carrying capacity is divided by 4, and its weight is divided by 8. Skills: Acrobatics, Legerdemain, Strongman

Puny Horses

These small talking horses speak in high-pitched voices, and are adorned with large, mysterious icons. Their front hooves are remarkably flexible.

Base Stats
Puny Horse
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  8 meter land with 1 meter jump. 1 meter swim.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 60-90 Kilograms

Puny horses can use their front hooves as hands, except while Running. The unarmed attacks they make without using any hands deal +1 Damage.

Unique Options
Legend Tier Expertise
You sprout a majestic pair of wings from your flanks.
Prerequisites  Puny horse.
♦ You gain a 10 meter fly speed with 12 meter aerobatics distance.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ When you Rush a creature after flying towards it from at least 8 meters away, your first attack against them stuns them for 1 round on a successful wound.


These are ways in which a character can have special weaknesses. The number of flaws each character gets should be standardized for the campaign: one suggested distribution would be 1 flaw for a common tier character, another flaw for every Tier upgrade, and another flaw if they have the Hero class.

Nervous: Every time the character detects a creature he hasn't seen before in the past hour, if he suspects that the creature might be antagonistic, and he isn't in a squad with any other creatures, he finds that creature Frightening X, where X depends on the creature's tier (5 for Common, 7 for Elite, 9 for Paragon, 11 for Legend).

Decrepit (Mobile creatures only): The character's movement speeds are halved, and they get -8 to Initiative Bonus.

Obese (Mobile creatures only): The character is always carrying an amount of Fat equal to their normal weight. They also need to eat twice as much.

Blind (Sighted creatures only): The character's visual sense does not function.

Deaf (Hearing creatures only): The character's auditory sense does not function.

Unpyroscient (Thermosympathetic creatures only): The character's thermosympathetic sense does not function.

Paranoid: The character can make Insight checks as a cheap action, but whenever they roll a natural 1 for an Insight check, they become utterly convinced that the offending statement or appearance is false.

Mute (Creatures that can speak only): The character cannot speak.

Armless (Creatures with a finite nonzero number of hands only): The character has one fewer hand.

Geometrically Challenged: Whenever the character enters an extradimensional space, they take 1d6+2 damage.

Frail: The character gets -1 to Toughness.

Clumsy: The character gets -1 to AD.

Grabbable: The character gets -1 to GD.

Uncertain: The character gets -1 to Will Saves.

Obvious: The character gets -1 to Stealth.

Oblivious: The character gets -2 to Perception.

Hemophilia: At the end of the character's turn, if they have any wounds, they suffer one wound.

Gentle: The character gets -1 to Attack Bonus and -1 to any Save DCs they cause.

Ban Lists

Removing currently-optimal strategies from the setting can let previously-unviable tactics flourish. Writing your own banlist and sharing it with the players before the campaign starts also works; if it turns out that the game breaks because you removed the wrong set of things, you may have to start allowing previously-banned options.

Ban Long-Ranges: Ranged weapons other than Fighting Fans and Blowguns haven't been invented, spells and creature attacks with ranges longer than 20 meters have their ranges quartered or reduced to 20 meters, whichever is longer.

Ban a Gem Color: Banning a gem color can help to get rid of easy magical solutions to the problems that you want the players to care about during the campaign, or to free up room to add a different gem color without overcomplicating things. Monsters and monster advancements related to a particular gem color are also banned.

Mythic Characters

If Legend tier just doesn't seem quite excessive enough, these rules introduce several new tiers for you: Mythic, God, and Supreme.

Table: Character Building Limitations

Tier Abilities Max Copies Per
Ability Category
Total Class levels Classes by Tier Mythic Power Ranks Price Range for Tier
Common Tier Elite Tier Paragon Tier Legend Tier
Mythic (175) 8-15 (15) 5 20-40 5-10 (4) 5-10 (10) 5-10 (20) 5-10 (34) 0-20 (10) 535 to 1080 points
God (400) 10-18 (18) 6 32-60 8-15 (6) 8-15 (15) 8-15 (30) 8-15 (51) 20-60 (15) 1456 to 2704 points
Supreme (1000) 12-21 (21) 7 44-80 11-20 (8) 11-20 (20) 11-20 (40) 11-20 (68) 60-140 (20) 3508 to 6161 points

Mythic Powers

Mythic powers are unique customized powers designed specifically for each individual. The cost for a Mythic Power is equal to the total cost of its Trigger multiplied by the total cost of all its Effects. If a set of options is listed in parentheses, choose one upon power creation.


Explosion (Cost: 3): As a standard action, make an attack against (AD or GD) on each creature and unattended object in a 20 meter radius blast centered on a point you can see within 300 meters.

Burst (Cost: 3): As a standard action, make an attack against (AD or GD) on each other creature and unattended object in a 40 meter radius blast centered on you.

Beam (Cost: 3): As a standard action, make an attack against (AD or GD) on each creature and unattended object in a 6 meter wide, 200 meter long, cylindrical spray starting from you.

Speak to Individual (Cost: 2): As a standard action, one creature who can hear you within 300 meters must make a Will Save.

Speak to Everyone (Cost: 6): As a standard action, each other creature who can hear you within 300 meters must make a Will Save.


Damage (Cost: 3): If you made an attack against AD in the Trigger and hit, deal (1d6+2, 1d8+1, or 1d10) damage.

Automatic Wound (Cost: 8): If you made an attack against AD in the Trigger and hit, deal (1d6+2, 1d8+1, or 1d10 damage.

Brain Damage (Cost: 3): If a target made a Will Save in the Trigger and failed, deal (1d4+3, 1d6+2, or 1d8+1) damage.

Warp (Cost: 3): You may teleport to within reach of anything targeted in the Trigger.

Effect Modifiers

These are added to individual effects.

Status Effect on Wound (Cost: 2): If you wound a target with the effect, the target (becomes prone, is lit on fire, is blinded for 2 rounds, is stunned until the end of the current turn, falls asleep and doesn't wake up until it's wounded again, is shriveled for 1 minute, is tired for 3 rounds, or is chilled for 3 rounds).

Mythical Monsters

Mythical monsters, these beings are the physical embodiments of mechanisms. When destroyed, those mechanisms cease to function. They do not normally wander the world, but can be called into being by a special disease: Harbinger Dreams. The initial infection of Harbinger Dreams is initiated through the use of a 12 hour ritual that ends in five dead intelligent creatures and 100000 copper of destroyed chemicals, and only works if the creature to be infected succeeds on both a DC 10 Items check and a DC 10 Arcana check. The spirit to be called into being is chosen during the ritual. Mythical monsters leave reality again after 20 days.

Harbinger Dreams: Ominous dreams of a creature beyond fathoming.

Will Save: DC 7
Delay: It acts upon sleeping. Risk of infection occurs when an infected creature mentions its dreams within hearing distance. No creature has to save against infection more than once per day.
Initial Effect: The victim dreams dark, unpleasant dreams.
Repeat: Every time the victim sleeps again, if there are 1000 infected creatures sleeping in a 2 kilometer radius spherical region, all infected creatures in that region take 1d6+3 wounds, all other infected creatures are cured, and the Mythical Monster appears at the center of that region.
Cure Difficulty: 4
Targets: Any creature of common tier or greater.
Weight/Price: Weightless.

Hunger Spirit

The Great Devourer

The Great Devourer.jpg

An endless mass of mouths, the hunger spirit eats its way through the world in an endless search for more sustenance.

The hunger spirit is quite smart, and can speak up to a hundred languages at a time. It survives on a diet of organic material, souls, and bones.

The Great Devourer
God   —   12000 points
AD  13     GD 15     Will 11     HP  4     Toughness 9
Muscle 10     Accuracy  6     Save DC 12     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 6     Agility -4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  200 meter burrow speed. 200 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 2.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 10240 kilograms      Weight 5760 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion 3, Slippery Wit 3, Stubborn 3, Offensive 3, Brutal 3
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 6, Ungrabbable 6, Determined 5, Aggressive 6, Perceptive 6, Sturdy 6
Extras  Big 2
Skills  Legerdemain +11 (2488 skill points), Insight +9 (512 skill points

The Great Devourer has a hundred "hands", its mouths, and deals 1d6+12 damage with unarmed attacks (strongman included).

At the beginning of the hunger spirit's turn, it makes an attack against GD against each other creature within 100 meters. Hit creatures are infected with The Hunger; if they were already infected, they experience another day's-worth of hunger.

As a standard action, the hunger spirit can imbue a single creature that can hear it speak with an extreme desire to eat another target the hunger spirit designates, if the creature fails a Will Save. This desire lasts for 3 rounds, and forces the creature to make unarmed attacks against the object of its hunger by any means necessary.

Defeat: When the hunger spirit is reduced to -4 HP or less, it is utterly destroyed, and creatures no longer ever need to eat.

Death Spirit

The End of All Things

The End of All Things.jpg

A skeleton made of rusty metal, the death spirit stalks the land in search of life and unlife to snuff out. It has two hands.

The death spirit is quite smart, and can speak and understand any word a dead creature once spoke, using that creature's voice. It survives on a diet of calories.

The End of All Things
God   —   15000 points
AD  15     GD 15     Will 12     HP  3     Toughness 8
Muscle 0     Accuracy  9     Save DC 13     Magic Power 0
Stealth 9     Perception 9     Agility 7
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Machine ]
Movement  136 meter land speed with 2 meter jump distance. 111 meter swim speed with 15 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 60 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion 3, Stubborn 3, Slippery Wit 3, Energetic 3, Offensive 3
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 6, Ungrabbable 6, Determined 6, Aggressive 9, Sturdy 6, Stealthy 6, Perceptive 6
Skills  Insight +11 (2048 skill points), Legerdemain +11 (2048 skill points), Bluff +9 (512 skill points), Scripts +9 (512 skill points), History +9 (880 skill points)

As a standard action, the End of All Things can emanate a blast of death with a 50 meter radius, making an attack against AD against each other creature in the area. Hit creatures instantly die.

When a creature dies, and the death spirit is aware of it, it may use an immediate action to either cause a blast of death as above, centered on the dying creature, or teleport to that creature.

Defeat: When the death spirit is reduced to -4 HP or less, it is utterly destroyed, creatures that were currently dead stop being creatures, and the dead status effect ceases to exist.

Gravity Spirit

The World-Crusher

The World-Crusher.jpg

A perfect sphere of darkness, the gravity spirit wanders the world steadily. It has no hands.

The gravity spirit is quite smart, and can speak and understand the currently most common language. It survives on a diet of bones.

The World-Crusher
Supreme   —   40000 points
AD  19     GD 19     Will 16     HP  5     Toughness 16
Muscle 4     Accuracy  8     Save DC 12     Magic Power 0
Stealth 10     Perception 10     Agility 6
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Movement  1000 meter fly speed with 20 meter aerobatics distance.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 10000000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion 4, Slippery Wit 4, Stubborn 4, Offensive 4, Sturdy 4
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 8, Ungrabbable 8, Determined 8, Aggressive 8, Stealthy 8, Perceptive 8, Sturdy 12
Skills  Insight +13 (8192 skill points), Items +12 (7808 skill points)

As a standard action, the World-Crusher can fling any number of target creatures or objects towards itself. The distance flung depends on the distance to each creature or object: 256 meters if 20 meters or less away, 64 meters if 21-40 meters, 16 meters if 41-80 meters, 4 meters if 81-160 meters away. Creatures and objects which collide with the gravity spirit are crushed, taking 1d6+7 Physical damage (Muscle included). On a successful wound, the target is stuck to the gravity spirit, paralyzing it and deals 1d6+7 Physical damage to it per round (Muscle included) until the gravity spirit is killed.

The gravity spirit has a Gravitic Throw weapon, which has a range of 200m/600m, attacks GD, and flings the target 3d6×5 meters in any direction on a successful hit.

Defeat: When the gravity spirit is reduced to -4 HP or less, it is utterly destroyed, and things no longer fall, much as if they had been hit by a gravity's bow. This, incidentally, causes the sun to explode.