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Revision as of 22:43, 15 February 2018 by Foxwarrior (Talk | contribs)

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300 copper
AD  3     GD 3     Will 0     HP  3     Toughness 4
Stealth 0
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Size  2 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 100 kilograms      Weight 50 kilograms

1 Rower: The Rower also functions as a Driver. The land speed of the Rower is listed as Row Speed in the Movement Modes section.


Lower Hull (Targetable from all sides other than Top): HP -, Toughness 3. Damaging the lower hull causes the rowboat to begin filling with water if it is in the water. For every wound inflicted upon the lower hull, the rowboat takes on 50 kilograms of water per round.


Creatures in the boat can be targeted from any side other than Bottom without having to shoot through the boat.

Movement Modes

Slow: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: 0 meters
  • Maximum Speed: Row Speed meters
  • Turning Radius: 2 meters

Fast: Aquatic

  • Minimum Speed: Row Speed meters
  • Maximum Speed: Row Speed × 2 meters
  • Turning Radius: 10 meters