Spell list

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A character can cast a spell they know by expending a charge of the appropriate tier. Unless otherwise specified, when a spell allows or requires a saving throw, the DC for that saving throw is 5 if the caster is Common, 7 if the caster is Elite, 9 if the caster is Paragon, or 11 if the caster is Legend tier.

Every spell has some sort of Casting Action: Casters must perform that action in order to cast the spell. Broad movements reduce visual Stealth by 1; speaking or making sounds reduces auditory Stealth by 1; and all actions reduce Stealth by 1, although some spells are particularly flashy. Remaining perfectly still makes you stationary.

Conscious creatures may choose to be hit by spell attacks or fail their saves against spells, if they so desire.

Targets are chosen when the caster begins casting, and must remain valid for the entire time that the spell is being cast. If they are not, the spell is unsuccessful, but the charge is not wasted.

Common Spells

OrangeGem.png Fire Breath
You exhale a gout of burning flames.
[ Magic-Damage ], [ Muscle-Area ]
Target: A 5 meter, 90 degree blast cone, from yourself.
Effect: All creatures and unattended objects suffer a ranged attack against AD, for 1d6 Heat Damage. Creatures and objects wounded by this attack are lit on fire. Creatures in the area momentarily stop suffocating and may inhale deeply.

The breath of fire can be heard from 300 meters away.

Time Skip.png
OrangeGem.png Time Skip
You skip forwards in time.
[ Time ]
Target: You
Effect: As you cast this spell, choose some number of rounds. You (and your equipment) disappear for that many rounds. You then reappear as close to where you disappeared as possible.
Unique Boosts: Hop Skip (+1 Tier, PurpleGem.png): When you cast Time Skip, choose a location within 30 meters per round of disappearance. You reappear as close to that location as possible instead.

Name Retrieval (+1 Tier, PurpleGem.png): When you cast Time Skip, speak a word or phrase. If a creature within 10 meters of your disappearance location speaks that word or phrase, you reappear prematurely.

Shared Effect (+1 Tier): Any creature touching you as the spell is cast may choose to be affected as well.

Skip Self (+1 Tier): You are not affected, but your equipment (and other creatures and their equipment, with Shared Effect) still are.

Future Passage (+2 Tiers, requires Shared Effect): When you cast Time Skip, a faint orange sphere remains at your location. Any creature who enters the sphere disappears as per time skip, reappearing at the same specified time.

Flaming Body.png
OrangeGem.png Flaming Body
Your skin can generate flames at will.
[ Bound ]
Target: Up to three touched creatures.
Effect: Each target you successfully hit with an attack against AD gains the ability to generate flames from their body at will. They may choose to deal heat damage with their unarmed attacks: when they do, successful hits light their victim on fire. They also become immune to Heat damage and the on fire condition and gain Cold Resist 2. Both of these effects last for as long as the spell is bound.

OrangeGem.png Slow
The target is slowed.
[ Time ], [ Magic-Targets ]
Target: Touched creature or touched object weighing less than 500 Kilograms.
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against GD, they are slowed, skipping a move action on each of their next 5 turns. If the target is an object, then for the next 5 rounds any damage or movement applied to the object is delayed for 1 round.

OrangeGem.png Cannibalism
Your touch feasts upon the last bit of life within your late foe
Target: Touched dead creature
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against AD (it has 2), then it crumbles to ash and you are healed a number of hit points depending on its former tier: Legend heals 4 points, Paragon heals 3, Elite heals 2, Common heals 1, and harmless creatures heal 0.

Shadow concealment

Glowing Orb.png
WhiteGem.png Glowing Orb
A point of light suddenly appears, illuminating the area.
[ Bound ], [ Magic-Damage ]
Cast Time: Move Action
Target: A point to which you have line of sight, within 300 meters.
Effect: A glowing orb appears at the designated point, brightly illuminating an 80 meter radius spray. It can move at your direction, up to 150 meters per round. The orb winks out when no longer bound.
Ritual Mode: The glowing orb cannot move, but it illuminates twice as far and anything that begins or ends its turn within a 20 meter spray of the orb takes a 1d6 Light damage hit.

Bone armor.jpg
WhiteGem.png Bone Armor
The target is suddenly protected by an amazingly strong suit of shining bone.
[ Bound ], [ Magic-Targets ]
Cast Time: Move Action
Target: One creature to which you have line of sight within 60 meters
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against GD, they are armored in fullplate of bone, which weighs half as much as normal fullplate. The armor lasts for as long as it is bound. The spell ends if the armor is removed or destroyed.
Ritual Mode: The armor is absurdly heavy, weighing 20 times as much as normal fullplate but with four times the HP.
Unique Boosts: Constricting (+0 Tiers): The wearer can only inhale as a standard action, and they are squeezed.

Complete (+0 Tiers): The armor completely covers their entire body, blocking vision and obscuring hearing. Attackers can't choose to treat the armor as total cover but must shoot at or through it instead.

Suppressible (+0 Tiers): The target can make the armor disappear for 1 round as a lesser action. The armor reappears on their body.

Bone Bolts.jpg
WhiteGem.png Bone Bolts
You unleash a hail of bones from your chest or hand.
[ Magic-Damage ]
Target: See effect
Effect: Make a normal Assault, using a Bone Bolt special weapon. It is piercing and automatic, deals 1d6-1 Physical damage, and has a 60m/120m range. Make twice as many attacks with this Bone Bolt weapon as you would normally make, but no more than half of the attacks may be directed at any one creature or object.
Ritual Mode: The bones bring tendons along with them: they gain the Self-Retracting Rope 120 meters property.
Unique Boosts: Quickrite (+1 Tier): Cast the Ritual mode as a Standard action.

Warp tiger with flexible bones.jpg
WhiteGem.png Flexible Bones
[ Bound ]
Target: One touched creature
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against AD, their bones become stretchy, capable of lengthening or shortening. Their reach is tripled, and their jump distance increases by 5 meters. These effects end when the spell is no longer bound.

Necromancer's Touch.png
WhiteGem.png Necromancer's Touch
[ Bound ]
Target: Touched creature
Effect: If you hit the creature with an attack against GD, Necromancer's Touch becomes Bound to it. When the target hits an Undead creature with an Unarmed attack against AD, it may heal or inflict one wound instead of dealing damage.

By holding a dead creature's skull for 1 minute, the target can convert it into a talking skull, which obeys you completely. After 3 rounds, if the total force you possess exceeds your point limit, the talking skull loses interest in helping you and wanders off.

Unique Boosts: Give Life (+1 Tier, Pink Gem.png): The spell lets the target heal or inflict wounds on [ Living ] creatures with its Unarmed attacks instead, but if it uses the attacks to heal, it takes as many wounds as it heals.

Soul Command.jpg
Pink Gem.png Soul Command
The target's eyes briefly flash pink, and they go off to obey you with great vigor and enthusiasm.
[ Magic-Damage ]
Target: Creature with a soul who can hear you within 60 meters
Effect: If the target fails a Will save, it takes 1d6+1 Mind damage. If this would reduce it to unconsciousness, it instead obeys the command you sing as you cast this spell, for up to 3 rounds + 1 for every 2 Magic Power. If the target is wounded further, it falls unconscious.
Unique Boosts: Delayed Command (+0 Tiers): You can choose an amount of time, up to five minutes. The damage is not dealt and the command not obeyed until that amount of time has passed.

Renewed (+0 Tiers): If you cast Soul Command on a creature already under the effects of a Soul Command, deal no damage, but as long as it fails the Will Save, the creature obeys your new command instead of the old one.

Mass (+2 Tiers): The spell targets any number of creatures with souls within 20 meters. Every creature must be given the same command.

PurpleGem.png Warp State
You place the target into a state of increased warp potential.
[ Bound ]
Target: One creature who can hear you within 60 meters
Effect: If the target fails a Will save, they gain a 15 meter Teleport speed for so long as this spell is bound.

PurpleGem.png Speak!
Target: One creature who can hear you within 100 meters
Effect: If the target fails a Will Save, they are cursed to speak constantly for the next hour. This means that they talk at a volume that can be heard from a distance of 100 meters or more from every spot they visit.

Enlarge creature

Shrink creature

Elite Spells

OrangeGem.png Fireball
Beams of fire erupt from your eyes, causing an explosion at the place you are looking.
[ Magic-Damage ], [ Muscle-Area ]
Target: A 5 meter radius blast to which you have line of sight within 300 meters.
Effect: All creatures and unattended objects suffer an attack against AD for 1d6-1 Heat Damage. Creatures and objects wounded by this attack are lit on fire.

The explosion is audible from 1000 meters away.

Unique Boosts: Fire Column (+0 Tiers): The area also extends to a 10 meter spray going directly upwards from the blast region.

Scorched Earth (+1 Tier, Viridian.png): The parts of objects that are destroyed by the Fireball become toxic waste. The Fireball deals +1 Damage.

Stormball (+1 Tier, AnimatedCerulean.png): The Fireball deals +1 Damage, and the damage it deals becomes Electricity damage (it still lights things on fire). You must specify which creatures and unattended objects in the blast radius are affected; targets not specified do not suffer an attack.

Magmatize (+2 Tiers): After one round, all unattended objects within 5 meters of the center of the blast become lava.

Charged (+2 Tiers): To finish casting the Fireball, you have to take another Standard Action to cast it before the end of your next turn. The Fireball's Blast increases by 10 meters, it gets +4 Demolition, and it deals +1 Damage.

OrangeGem.png Firebolts
Bolts of fire shoot from your eyes.
[ Magic-Damage ]
Target: See effect
Effect: Make a normal Ranged Guard, using a Firebolt special weapon. It deals 1d6 Heat damage, lights targets it wounds on fire and has a 100m/200m range. You may cast this spell again on your next turn without expending a charge.
Ritual Mode: Instead of the normal effect, this becomes a bound spell targeting a touched creature. If you hit the target with an attack against AD, their eyes are filled with fire, blinding them and granting them a Thermosympathetic sense. If they stop being blind, the spell is unbound. If the spell is unbound, they lose the blindness and the Thermosympathetic sense.

Wall of eternity.png
OrangeGem.png Wall of Eternity
A small wall of perfect blackness appears. When it disappears, there is a flash from all of the stopped light resuming its motion.
[ Time ]
Cast Time: Immediate Action
Target: An open space to which you have line of sight within 60 meters
Effect: You create a 2 by 2 meter square sheet of stopped time for 1 round. Creatures and objects cannot pass through this sheet. Projectiles that hit the sheet are stopped for as long as the sheet exists, and then resume moving: unless the projectile was aimed at a target that remained stationary for the entire time, it misses.

The wall of eternity appears so quickly that the penalty limit for Leaving Range does not apply.

Unique Boosts: Sphere of Eternity (+2 Tiers): Instead of a sheet of stopped time, you create a spherical shell of stopped time, with a radius of your choice, up to 2 meters.

OrangeGem.png Fireswallowing
Breathe it in, then spit it back out
Target: Any number of creatures and objects to which you have line of sight, which are on fire, and are within 300 meters
Effect: The targets are no longer on fire. For 1 round, you deal +1 Heat damage on all attacks against creatures and objects who you cured of the on fire condition in this way. You can cast this spell again on either of your next 2 turns without expending a charge.

OrangeGem.png Swallow Whole
While it may seem like you just swallowed that guy, he's really just skipping in time.
[ Bound ], [ Time ], [ Magic-Targets ]
Target: One creature you are grappling
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against GD, they disappear completely for so long as this spell is bound. When they reappear, they reappear in their old location.
Unique Boosts: Tracking Swallow (+0 Tiers, PurpleGem.png): When the target(s) reappear, they reappear at your current location.

WhiteGem.png Animate Skeletons
The bones of the dead leap up and do your bidding.
Cast Time: Standard Action AND Move Action
Target: A 3 meter radius blast, centered on you, but not including you.
Effect: All [ Bony ] corpses within the blast come back to life, gain the Skeleton class if they did not already have it, and obey you completely. After 1 round, skeletons of your choice created by this spell lose interest in obeying you and wander off until the total force you possess does not exceed your point limit. Creatures animated with this spell have fresh souls, who enjoy most in the world eating bones and wandering aimlessly.
Unique Boosts: Craft Bonewalker (+1 Tier, PurpleGem.png): 180 kilograms of bones from the corpses are used to create a bonewalker instead of skeletons. It is controlled just like the skeletons are. If there are insufficient bones, the spell cannot be cast.

Craft Reaper (+2 Tiers): 80 kilograms of bones from the corpses are used to create a reaper instead of skeletons. It is controlled just like the skeletons are. If there are insufficient bones, the spell cannot be cast.

Distant Animation (+1 Tier): Animate Skeletons targets a 5 meter radius blast to which you have line of sight within 300 meters.

Bone prison.png
WhiteGem.png Bone Prison
Bones spring from the ground to capture your target.
[ Magic-Targets ]
Target: One creature to which you have line of sight within 100 meters.
Effect: Make a ranged attack against the target's GD. If you hit, they are surrounded on all sides by large bones too tightly packed to squeeze through. Destroying the bones is possible: a 1 square meter wall of bone has 2 HP and 4 Toughness.
Unique Boosts: Prison Guard's Unilemma (+0 Tiers): The spell targets every creature within your reach, encasing every hit target in bones extending from you. The spell becomes [ Bound ]. Destroying these bones is done by reducing you to 0 or less HP or unbinding the spell. While the spell is bound, you are paralyzed.

Turn undead.jpg
WhiteGem.png Turn Undead
You destroy those unrighteous unliving abominations with your pure light.
[ Magic-Damage ]
Target: A 20 meter radius spray, centered on you.
Effect: The area is brightly illuminated for 1 round. [ Undead ] creatures in the area must succeed on a Will save or take 1d6+1 Light damage. Those that survive suffer any ill effects they would normally suffer from sunlight for 1 minute.

WhiteGem.png Skull Grenade
The inside of the skull glows gently.
[ Bound ], [ Magic-Damage ]
Cast Time: Move Action
Target: A skull you are holding
Effect: When it is thrown, the spell is unbound. One round after it is unbound, the skull detonates in a 12 meter spray of blinding light, blinding creatures in the area for 1d6 rounds and dealing 1d6-2 Light damage to them. The spray of light is visible from 24000 meters away.

The skull can be thrown up to 20 meters as a Heavy Grenade, and throwing it is not part of this spell's activation.

Unique Boosts: Undead-Turning Grenade (+0 Tiers): The light damage is only dealt to [ Undead ] creatures.

Fossil walk

WhiteGem.png Trace Bindings
Effect: For a brief instant, you can see colored lines connecting bound spells to their casters. The colors of the lines correspond to the colors of gems required to cast the spells.
Unique Boosts: Quicktrace (+1 Tier): The cast time becomes an Immediate Action.

Pink Gem.png Enrage
If all this fury isn't vented soon, it'll overflow forever.
Target: Up to three creatures who can hear you within 60 meters.
Effect: The targeted creatures must make Will Saves or become filled with rage. If a target has not killed a creature after 3 rounds, they become permanently furious.

While permanently furious, the creature does nothing other than move towards the most easily reached other creature it's aware of and attempt to wound it with unarmed Assault.

PurpleGem.png Wall of Prodigal Depth
This thin wall is an incredibly long tunnel on the inside.
[ Bound ]
Target: An open space to which you have line of sight within 60 meters
Effect: You create an extradimensional space that is 100 meters deep, with two parallel 2 by 2 meter square entry points in the targeted open space, back to back. The space is dispelled when this spell is no longer bound.

The Wall of Prodigal Depth has a Volume Ratio of 25.

Unique Boosts: Giant Hole (+2 Tiers): The entry points can be any flat convex shape that does not exceed the bounds of a 40 meter by 40 meter square. The Volume Ratio is divided by the surface area, in meters, and multiplied by 4.

PurpleGem.png Spatial Tunneling
These two portals are just as far from each other on the inside.
[ Bound ]
Target: Two flat surfaces to which you have line of sight within 300 meters
Effect: You create an extradimensional space with two 2 by 2 meter square entry points, one on each targeted surface. The extradimensional tunnel between them is perfectly straight, and is as long as the distance between the two entry points. In order to create an entry point on a surface which has creatures resting on it, you must hit each creature with an attack against AD; if you miss any, the spell fails, but if the space is created, they fall into it. The space is dispelled when the spell is no longer bound or when either of the surfaces are damaged from behind.

If the distance between the two entry points without using the tunnel changes, the distance inside the tunnel changes at well, adding or removing space from the center. Creatures and objects in the removed regions are shunted as little as possible towards the nearest entry point.

The Volume Ratio of the tunnel is 1 for every 20 meters of depth, rounded down.

Unique Boosts: Shortcut (+1 Tier): The tunnel is only one-quarter as long as the distance between the two entry points.

Word of Beckoning.png
PurpleGem.png Word of Beckoning
Target: Creatures who can hear you within 300 meters
Effect: Each target must make a Will save or immediately be teleported to the nearest stable surface to you.
Unique Boosts: Patsy (+1 Tier): Choose one of the targets as you cast this spell. If that target fails its Will save, it is not teleported, but all the other targets who fail their saves are teleported to the nearest stable surface to that target, rather than you.

PurpleGem.png Silence
Target: Creatures who can vocalize in a 5 meter radius spray, centered on a point to which you have line of sight within 20 meters
Effect: Targeted creatures must make a Will Save or become unable to speak, sing, or otherwise vocalize for 1 minute.
Ritual Mode: Cast as a ritual, you steal all targeted creatures' voices for 6 hours. They cannot speak or otherwise vocalize, but you can speak with their voices, speech patterns, and languages. This gives you +3 to Bluff checks made to impersonate those creatures.

Paragon Spells

Fire Burst.png
OrangeGem.png Fire Burst
An explosion erupts around you.
[ Magic-Damage ], [ Muscle-Area ]
Target: A 15 meter radius blast, centered on you, but not including you.
Effect: All creatures and unattended objects suffer a ranged attack from the center of the blast against AD, for 1d6 Heat Damage. Creatures and objects wounded by this attack are lit on fire.

The explosion is audible from 1000 meters away.

Ritual Mode: This becomes a [ Bound ] spell. The 15 meter radius sphere around you becomes an area of accelerated flames for so long as this spell is bound. At the beginning of each of your turns, objects and creatures in the area who are on fire suffer from another round of being on fire.
Unique Boosts: Otherworldy Flames (Black Gem.png, 4 Sacrifice Energy): If cast while in the mortal realm, the blast centers on the corresponding place in the astral realm, and if cast while in the astral realm, the blast centers on the corresponding place in the mortal realm.

Flame Jump (+1 Tier): After the blast, you leap to an open space to which you have a clear path within 200 meters.

OrangeGem.png Haste
You're a real speed demon.
[ Time ], [ Magic-Targets ]
Target: One touched creature
Effect: If you successfully hit the target with an attack against GD, they are accelerated for 1d6+1 rounds. While accelerated, their non-Teleport movement speeds are doubled, and they get +1 to Accuracy, AD, and GD. However, they get a -1 penalty to Toughness for 5 minutes. A character reduced to 0 Toughness in this way ages into dust.

OrangeGem.png Annihilate Item
Target: One item to which you have line of sight within 300 meters
Effect: The item takes 1d6+6 points of Heat damage. If it's destroyed, the wielder, if any, is lit on fire.

OrangeGem.png Consumed by Fire
You vanish in a flash of flame
[ Bound ]
Cast Time: Move Action
Target: You
Effect: You vanish in a flash of flame. While vanished, you're not completely gone: you still have a location, can think and hunger, and have a Thermosympathetic sense with which to observe the world, but you cannot be targeted or sensed. While Consumed by Fire is bound, you can move to the location of any creature or object that's on fire who you sense within 120 meters as a standard action. You cannot take any actions other than this movement or unbinding this spell while you are vanished. When you unbind this spell, you reappear at your current location, so long as there is something that's on fire within 2 meters.

Temporal Feast.png
OrangeGem.png Temporal Feast
[ Time ], [ Linked ], [ Magic-Targets ]
Target: One creature to which you have line of sight within 60 meters and you
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against GD, you begin to devour their very existence. This gives them a -2 penalty to Toughness (A character reduced to 0 Toughness in this way ages into dust). The total size of penalty to Toughness you suffer from decreases by 2, to a minimum of -0. Both the penalty and the penalty reduction end after 1 minute.

Invasive Surgery.png
OrangeGem.png Invasive Surgery
Talons of fire seek out gems from enemy caster
[ Magic-Targets ]
Target: One creature to which you have line of sight within 300 meters
Effect: Make two unarmed cut out attempts against the target. All damage inflicted is Heat damage instead of its normal type.
Ritual Mode: The target does not actually take any wounds if the cut out attempt is successful.
Unique Boosts: Hostile Insertion (+1 Tier): When you would remove an item from a target with Invasive Surgery, you may instead implant a gem you are holding in them.

WhiteGem.png Necromantic Aura
The corpses around you refuse to stay still.
[ Bound ], [ Magic-Damage ]
Target: You
Effect: At the beginning of your turn, you may attack any number of creatures in a 50 meter spray from you for 1d6-2 Physical damage, provided that those creatures are within 1 meter of at least 10 kilograms of bones. Each undead creature in the area may roll 1d6. On a 6, they are healed for 1 hit point. This aura lasts for as long as it is bound.

WhiteGem.png Invisibility
The touched creature or object disappears from view.
[ Bound ]
Target: Touched creature or object weighing 500 kilograms or less.
Effect: The touched target is invisible while this spell is bound. As such, it cannot be detected visually. If it is a creature, its equipment is also invisible while the creature is carrying it.
Unique Boosts: Suppressible (+0 Tiers): The target can suppress the effects of this spell for 1 round as a lesser action.


WhiteGem.png X-Ray Vision
Light generated beyond your line of sight reaches your enhanced eyes, and your eyes only.
Cast Time: Lesser Action
Target: You
Effect: You gain the ability to see through up to 2 meters of obstructing material, unless that material is gold, in which case you can only see through 2 centimeters. This ability lasts for 1 minute.

Bone wall.jpg
WhiteGem.png Wall of Bone
A wall of bones stabs out of the ground, growing at your direction.
Cast Time: Standard Action AND Move Action
Target: An open space to which you have line of sight within 60 meters
Effect: A 0.5 by 2 by 10 meter block of bone springs up from the ground at the targeted location. By spending additional Standard Actions on consecutive rounds while remaining within 60 meters, you can increase any dimension by its original value.

The grinding and stretching of bones as the bone springs from the ground or whenever you increase its size is audible from 300 meters away.

Black Gem.png Unbinding
You touch the mage, and can almost hear the snapping of tight strings.
[ Magic-Targets ]
Target: One touched creature or object
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against GD, all spells they have bound become unbound.
Unique Boosts: Unraveling (+1 Tier): Instead, if you hit the target with an attack against GD, choose one bound spell that has the target as a target. That spell becomes unbound.

Soul Crush.jpg
Pink Gem.png Soul Crush
With a nihilistic tune, you crush the target's soul.
[ Bound ], [ Magic-Damage ]
Target: One creature with a soul who can hear you within 60 meters
Effect: If the target fails a Will save, their soul begins to be crushed. They are paralyzed and take 1d6 Mind damage at the beginnings of each of their turns until they can no longer hear you. If they would be knocked unconscious by this damage, their soul is suppressed, they regain 1 HP, they are not knocked unconscious, they lose their personality, and they obey you enthusiastically without question for so long as this spell is bound. After 3 rounds, if the total force you possess exceeds your point limit, the spell is unbound. If the spell is unbound, the target becomes unconscious for 1 day, after which time their soul is mostly restored and they may act normally again.
Unique Boosts: Brain Loan (Viridian.png, +1 Tier): When you successfully crush the target's soul, you also implant a bit of your sensory abilities with a link into their brain. This allows you to use their senses for Remote Viewing, and allows them to hear your voice whenever you speak. This effect ends when the spell is unbound.

Singing wizard.jpg
Pink Gem.png Calm Emotions
Target: Creatures who can hear you within 300 meters, including yourself
Effect: Targets must make a Will save or become unwilling to take actions that would wound or potentially kill another creature until the end of your next turn. You may cast this spell again on your next turn without expending a charge.

PurpleGem.png Instant Message
[ Magic-Damage ]
Cast Time: Lesser Action
Target: One place you have been
Effect: You create a sound at the specified place. It may last for up to 15 seconds, and may not be so loud as to be deafening.
Ritual Mode: You can only target a place you have been in the past day, but the sound is so loud that creatures in a 20 meter blast take an attack against AD for 1d6-1 Noise damage. The sound starts quiet, and doesn't reach a damaging volume until 1 round after it starts.

Memetic Contagion.png
PurpleGem.png Memetic Contagion
You say something, and suddenly everyone else is saying it too.
[ Bound ]
Cast Time: Lesser Action
Target: Creatures within 300 meters who can hear you
Effect: Speak a sentence as you cast this spell. Targets must make a Will Save or become cursed with your Memetic Contagion: the first words they speak to any creature who has not had to save against this Memetic Contagion yet must be the sentence you spoke. Creatures who hear a cursed creature speak the chosen sentence for the first time must make Will Saves or also become cursed. When this spell is no longer bound, all creatures are cured of this curse.
Unique Boosts: Remain Anonymous (+0 Tiers): Affected creatures cannot speak your name.

PurpleGem.png Pledge Help
[ Bound ]
Target: One creature within 300 meters who can hear you.
Effect: Speak a word as you cast this spell. If the target fails a Will Save, the target is marked with a Pledge of Help. It can say the word you chose followed by up to ten other words, as a Lesser Action, to unbind the spell. You hear the words spoken as though the creature was standing next to you. When the spell is unbound, you can choose whether the target is teleported to you, you are teleported to the target, or both of you teleport to swap positions.
Unique Boosts: Repeated Help (+0 Tiers): The target can say the word with greater care and deliberation, as a Standard Action, to teleport to you without unbinding the spell.

Expanding Void.png
Black Gem.png Expanding Void
A small point slowly expands to become a black sphere of destruction
Cast Time: Standard Action AND Move Action
Target: A point in the direction and distance you specify within 30 meters.
Effect: A sphere of pure oblivion is created at the targeted point. It starts out miniscule, but its diameter increases by 2 meters per round, whisking away anything that it touches. The sphere is surrounded by strong wind pushing towards it, in a blast around the sphere that's twice as far as its diameter. It lasts for 10 rounds.

Legend Spells

OrangeGem.png Fire Beam
A massive beam of fire rips from your chest, leaving a wake of burning destruction in its path.
[ Magic-Damage ]
Target: A spray of fire, 1 meter wide and 200 meters long, with one end emanating from you.
Effect: Creatures and unattended objects in the path of the beam suffer a ranged attack against AD, for 1d6-2 Heat damage. Creatures and objects wounded by this attack are lit on fire. You may cast this spell again on your next turn without spending any charges, for an additional +1 damage, +1 meter to beam width, and +25 meters to beam length (cumulative with repeated castings), but you must aim it in the same direction.

The rush of flames from the beam is audible from 300 meters away all along the beam's path.

Unique Boosts: Cleansing Fire (Black Gem.png, 4 Sacrifice Energy): Any hits on projected Avatars or Avatars' items also hit the real things in the other realm.

Time Stop.png
OrangeGem.png Time Stop
If only you had time to stop and think for a bit. Oh wait: you do.
[ Time ]
Cast Time: Immediate Action
Target: Your soul
Effect: Everything except your soul is stopped in time for 1 hour. You can use this time to recharge spells (except for Legend-tier spells), unbind spells, attune spells, or think of the perfect thing to say in the middle of a conversation, but you cannot use this time to move or cast spells (even spells that require stillness), as your body and the air are still frozen. If you use this spell immediately before making a Bluff, Legerdemain, or Insight check, you get a +3 bonus on the check.

OrangeGem.png Rewind
[ Time ]
Target: People who know Rewind, and you
Effect: Everything except the targets and their equipment reverts to the state it was in exactly one round ago. Only those creatures remember what happened in the intervening time.



OrangeGem.png Wurmfood
[ Magic-Targets ]
Target: You or a creature to which you have line of sight within 60 meters
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against AD, dragon larvae sprout from their skin and begin feasting on them. The hardened scales of the larvae grant the target +1 to Toughness and AD, but the vicious teeth of the larvae inflict 1 wound on the target at the end of each of its turns. If the target is killed, the larvae crawl away and hide, with a land speed of 10 meters and a Stealth value of 2.

The larvae can be slain: as a whole, they have 7 AD, 7 GD, 2 HP, and 6 Toughness.

WhiteGem.png Here Comes the Sun
[ Magic-Damage ], [ Muscle-Area ]
Target: An open space 5000 meters above you
Effect: A glowing sphere appears in the specified space, creating daylight-level bright light in a 10000 meter spray. At the end of each of your turns, if you did not spend a move action to maintain this spell, the sphere disappears.

The sphere continues to be exactly 5000 meters above you if you move, and is destroyed by other sources of daylight-level light.

Ritual Mode: The glowing sphere appears only for an instant, cannot be maintained, and makes an attack against AD against each creature in the 10000 meter spray for 1d6-1 Light damage.

WhiteGem.png Bonestorm
A massive gush of bone dust pours out of your mouth and whirls around.
[ Bound ]
Target: A blast, centered on you, but not including you.
Effect: Stinging bone dust makes all creatures in the area blind. 2 meters of bone dust is sufficient to provide concealment from observers looking through it. The area follows you, and continues to make creatures in the area blind for so long as it is bound. Creatures who leave the area can see again. The area is 20 meters, but you can increase it to 60 meters as a standard action, and then to 100 meters with another standard action.

The whoosh of bone dust is audible from 300 meters away.

WhiteGem.png Death Touch
You touch the monster, and it dies immediately.
Cast Time: Standard Action AND Move Action
Target: One touched creature
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against AD, they take a number of wounds equal to one-third your Magic Power, rounded up, and must make a Will Save or die.
Ritual Mode: As a ritual, touch a corpse instead to experience the last 3 rounds of its life.

WhiteGem.png Death Ward
The target becomes deathly pale.
Target: Creature to which you have line of sight within 30 meters
Effect: If the target fails a Will save, they are protected by a Death Ward for 4 rounds. While protected by a Death Ward, they cannot die or fall unconscious, but they also cannot regain HP.

Control Undead.png
WhiteGem.png Control Undead
You're surrounded by an ominous aura, which undead can feel from 10 meters away.
[ Bound ]
Target: You
Effect: Whenever an [ Undead ] creature approaches within 5 meters of you or starts its turn within 5 meters, it must make a Will save or do as you direct it for the rest of its turn. This aura lasts for so long as this spell is bound.

Raise dead.jpg
WhiteGem.png, Pink Gem.png Raise Dead
You revive the target and restore their soul.
[ Bound ]
Cast Time: Standard Action AND Move Action
Target: A touched dead creature, and a soul in the afterlife that has inhabited it
Effect: The creature is restored to life at full health, with the targeted soul placed back in control of it. It must immediately gain the Unliving class. When this spell is no longer bound, the creature dies again.

Pink Gem.png, PurpleGem.png Soul Swap
[ Linked ]
Target: Two creature with souls within 60 meters who can hear you
Effect: If both targets fail Will saves, they swap souls, memories, and skill points, and parties. If this would put either creature's party over its point limit, the spell reverts at the end of your next turn. (While player control for the two characters is swapped, neither of the creatures' stat blocks are altered aside from skills)

PurpleGem.png Infinite Battlefield
[ Bound ]
Cast Time: Standard Action AND Move Action
Target: The ground around you, 10 meters in every direction.
Effect: The targeted ground becomes a one-way teleportation trap to a corresponding 10 meter radius area on the bottom of an infinitely large, entry-point-less extradimensional space. Creatures that were touching the trap are transported immediately, in the same relative positions. If a new creature touches the trap, it appears at the corresponding location in the extradimensional space. Unattended objects are not transported.

Gravity and atmospheric pressure in the extradimensional space correspond to the local environment of the trap, although the atmosphere is always breathable air.

You cannot cast this spell if you are not touching the ground.

When the spell is no longer bound, the extradimensional space is dispelled and the teleportation trap disappears.


PurpleGem.png Biography
You understand what it means to be committed to paper.
Target: One creature who can hear you within 60 meters, and a large piece of paper you are holding.
Effect: If the creature fails a Will Save, they become partially bound to the piece of paper, appearing to fade into text at the edges. For the next round, they cannot willingly choose to move further away from the paper.

If you then take a standard action to continue this spell on your next turn, they and their equipment disappear, and a short biography summarizing their life (including all of the most unique details) appears on the paper. The paper becomes indestructible. If the biography is read (Which takes 16 rounds, minus a Scripts check result), it is destroyed and the creature reappears in that location with its equipment.

PurpleGem.png Censorship
"Look out! That                the           is        !"
[ Bound ]
Target: Creatures in a 10 meter radius spray, centered on a point to which you have line of sight within 300 meters
Effect: Targeted creatures must make a Will Save or become censored by you for so long as this spell is bound. When a censored creature speaks, there is a 3 second delay before its words can be heard, as you hear the words and may choose to selectively silence any number of them.

PurpleGem.png Copycat
Cast Time: See effect
Target: See effect
Effect: Choose a spell of Legend tier or lower you have heard or watched being cast during the past 3 rounds. You cast that spell, even if you do not have the appropriate gem(s).