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Revision as of 18:34, 23 June 2024 by Foxwarrior (Talk | contribs) (uh I guess I can't reduce the damage of this one or it becomes useless)

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A handlebug is a sort of isopod with a mutable shell.

The handlebug is not particularly smart, and can only speak Bug languages.

Common   —   5 points
AD  7     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -4     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  2 meter land speed with 0.25 meter jump distance.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Offensive
Extras  Small

The handlebug has ten "hands", its legs, and deals 1d6-2 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included). At the beginning of its turn, it can make one automatically hitting unarmed attack against a creature it is grappling. Its unarmed attacks inflict Demonsblood on a successful wound.

The handlebug can alter the color and texture of its shell in order to imitate various kinds of handles by secreting chemicals for one minute; it is a Decent Disguise.

The handlebug can crawl along walls and ceilings as easily as it crawls along the floor.


Convincing Handle (4 points): The handlebug actually functions as a handle when it replaces one, and its handle disguise becomes Good. It gains two Basic Specialties.

Conversationalist (2 points, requires Convincing Handle): The handlebug is moderately smart, and can speak. It can fill the locking mechanism of the door with its legs in order to prevent any creature from opening it, and to increase its effective weight for the purposes of removing it from the door by 50 kilograms. It gains a Basic Specialty.