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A Cactoad is a sort of cross between a cactus and a toad.

The cactoad is not particularly smart, and can only speak Cactus languages.

Elite   —   26 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 2     Perception 0     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  40 meter land speed with 8 meter jump. 40 meter swim speed with -5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 20 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Well-Rounded, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Sturdy, Stealthy
Extras  Strong

Cactoads deal 1d6+1 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included), and when one is struck with an unarmed attack, the attacker takes 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included).

Cactoads have a Spine Tongue weapon with a range of 20m/100m that deals 1d6 Physical damage (Muscle included). When it successfully wounds a target with this weapon, the target is pulled adjacent to the Cactoad.

They also have a Loud Magic-Damage Muscle-Area Heavy Skull-Shattering Croak weapon, which attacks all other creatures in a 10 meter blast for 1d6 Noise damage and deafens creatures for one round per wound.


Cactode (6 points): The Cactoad's croak is as soothing as it is loud. Any creature wounded by it must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round. The radius of its croak increases by 5 meters. It gains one Advanced Specialty and becomes a [ Pink ] creature.

Cactrodes (10 points): Certain species of Cactoad have bulbs at the ends of their spines. These Cactoads, when struck with any attack by a creature 10 meters or less away, deal 1d6+1 Electricity damage (Muscle included) to that creature. This replaces the damage for being struck by an unarmed attack that Cactoads normally deal. It gains two Advanced Specialties and becomes a [ Blue ] creature.