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The bloodthirster is a sort of magic sword, given life with the assistance of a pink gem and an orange gem.

Bloodthirsters are quite smart. They cannot speak any languages, but can generate metallic scraping and ringing noises to convey a wide range of emotions. They survive on a diet of souls.

Elite   —   15 points
AD  7     GD 6     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 3
Muscle -4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Machine ], [ Pink ], [ Orange ]
Movement  3 meter fly speed with 0 meter aerobatics distance
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 2 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive
Extras  Small 2

A bloodthirster has no hands, but it has a melee Magic-Damage slashing attack which deals 1d6-1 Physical damage, and shrivels any creature it wounds until that creature next consumes a day's-worth of food. This slashing attack may also be used by any creature who wields the sword, but does 1d6-1 damage (1d6 if wielded two-handed) and is Muscle-Damage rather than Magic-Damage; the Magic Power of the Bloodthirster does not apply.


The Bloodthirster cannot be given extras which add to Movement Speed.

Bloodlust (12 points): When the Bloodthirster has tasted someone's blood, it gains a temporary affinity for the rest of that creature's blood. The Bloodthirster can sense creatures or bloodstains of creatures it has wounded in the past 24 hours from 30 meters away. The Bloodthirster gains two Advanced Specialties.

Domination (12 points): Any creature who attempts to wield the Bloodthirster must make a Will save or fall under the Bloodthirster's control for so long as the Bloodthirster is wielded by that creature. At the end of this creature's turn, if controlling this creature puts the party over its point limit, the creature takes one wound and drops the Bloodthirster. The Bloodthirster gains two Advanced Specialties.