Talking skull

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Talking Skull

Skull beam.png

A talking skull is a skull, typically found scavenging for bones to eat in graveyards.

Talking skulls live on a diet of bones. They are somewhat intelligent. While a talking skull doesn't have the memories or personality of its former owner, it can speak the languages its owner possessed in life, as well as learning new ones.

Talking Skull
Common   —   7 points
AD  8     GD 5     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 2
Muscle -4     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  5 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance. 5 meter burrow speed. 3 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive
Extras  Small

These skulls have a heavy Magic-Damage Muscle-Area Bright Flash weapon, which makes 1d6-2 Light damage (Magic Power included) attacks against all creatures and unattended objects in a 90 degree, 5 meter conical spray.

They also have a Magic-Damage Bright Beam weapon, which has 30m/50m range and deals 1d6-2 Light damage (Magic Power included).

Talking skulls get -1 to Perception in bright light.


Flying Skull (2 points): The Talking Skull loses its burrow speed and gains a 15 meter fly speed with 4 meter aerobatics distance. When it rushes, it may use a Magic-Damage 1d6-1 Heat damage attack. The Talking Skull gains a Basic Specialty and becomes [ Orange ].

Fast Skull (2 points): The Talking Skull gets +6 meters to its movement speeds. It gains a Basic Specialty.