Claw mound

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Claw Mound

Claw Mound.jpg

The claw mound is a shambling mass of claw bones.

Claw mounds and scuttling claws survive on a diet of bones. They are not particularly smart, and can only speak sign languages.

Claw Mound
Elite   —   44 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 5
Muscle 4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility -2
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  20 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 1440 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable, Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Big

Claw mounds have an essentially unlimited number of "hands", and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 damage (Muscle included). For every wound it takes, a scuttling claw is flung 15 meters in a random direction. By moving onto the claw mound, the scuttling claw may merge with the mound to heal 1 of the mound's wounds. As a lesser action, the claw mound may inflict 1 wound on itself, and choose the direction to fling the created scuttling claw.

The claw mound's penalties for using additional weapons decrease to -1 per weapon.

Claw mounds cannot hear. They get -1 to Perception in bright light.

Scuttling Claw
Common   —   8 points
AD  5     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -2     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 2     Perception 0     Agility 2
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 2 meter jump. 15 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 2.5 kilograms      Weight 3 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Offensive, Sturdy
Extras  Quick

The unarmed attacks of scuttling claws deal 1d6-2 damage (Muscle included), but each claw only has one hand. If a spawned scuttling claw would put you over your point limit, it dies.

Scuttling claws cannot hear. They get -1 to Perception in bright light.


Clawtillery (10 points): When the claw mound uses a lesser action to throw a scuttling claw, it may fling the claw up to 60 meters. The claw mound gains two Advanced Specialties.

Burning Hands (10 points, and 1 point per claw): The claw mound and the scuttling claws can choose to deal Heat damage with their unarmed attacks. When they do, anything wounded by the attack is lit on fire. The claws gain a Basic Specialty. Both the claw mound and the scuttling claws become [ Orange ].