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Dolster 72.jpg

A dolster is a four-meter long bright blue crustacean. All but its two most forward limbs are small and vestigial, but those two are large and finlike. Dolsters are capable of creating extremely loud noises.

Dolsters are moderately smart, but can only speak Bug languages. They are known for being unusually vicious pack hunters.

Elite   —   33 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 1
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Blue ]
Movement  5 meter land speed with 5 meter jump. 55 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 500 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Big

A dolster has one "hand", its bemandibled mouth, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+2 damage (Muscle included).

The dolster has a Heavy Muscle-Area Magic-Damage Sonic Cone weapon, which attacks creatures in a 30 meter, 90 degree conical blast that travels as easily through liquids as through air, and deals 1d6 Noise damage (Magic Power included). The sound of the attack is audible along the path of the cone up to 1000 meters away.

It also has a Heavy Muscle-Area Magic-Damage Focused Sound weapon, which attacks creatures and unattended objects in a 5 meter radius blast that travels as easily through liquids as through air, centered on a point within 100 meters to which the dolster can trace a straight line without passing through any solid objects or creatures. Hit targets are dealt 1d6 (Magic Power included) Noise damage. When other dolsters use Readied Actions to use Focused Sound attacks at the same location and the same time, only one attack is rolled, using the accuracy and magic power of one of the dolsters (their choice), and a +1 bonus to damage and +1 meter bonus to blast radius for every additional dolster. The blast of sound is audible from 1000 meters away.

Dolsters can hold their breaths for ten times the normal amount of time.


Rolling (10 points): The dolster can curl up into a ball or uncurl as a move action. While curled up, it gets +80 meters to land speed, but cannot use its Sonic Cone or Focused Sound weapons. The dolster gains two Advanced Specialties.

Hive Mind (5 points): The dolster becomes quite smart, can speak, and gains an Advanced Specialty. If it is within 5 meters of a Dolster that doesn't have Hive Mind, that Dolster gets +2 to Will Saves.