Chillburn angel

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Chillburn Angel

Chillburn Angel.png

A chillburn angel is a spiny hedgehog-like creature with three icy blue eyes.

Chillburn angels are not particularly smart, and can speak.

Chillburn Angel
Elite   —   15 points
AD  5     GD 4     Will 2     HP  3     Toughness 3
Muscle 1     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  24 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 10 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Sturdy
Extras  Strong

A chillburn angel has one "hand", its mouth, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+1 Cold damage (Muscle included). When the chillburn angel's unarmed attacks wound a target, that target is lit On Cold: this is just like being lit on fire, but deals Cold damage instead. Only objects that are not flammable and creatures may be lit On Cold.

The chillburn angel freezes water it touches, allowing it to walk on the surface.


Pact of Integrity (4 points): The Chillburn Angel gains two Basic Specialties, and can form a Pact of Integrity, which grants the other creature the Chillburn Angel's ability to freeze water it touches in order to walk on it, but requires them to never say or write anything that they know to be false. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 3 energy Personal Sacrifice.