Fickle mercenary

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Fickle Mercenary

Fickle Mercenary.jpg

A fickle mercenary is a four-legged, two-armed creature with silvery skin and golden eyes.

Fickle mercenaries are moderately smart, and can speak.

Fickle Mercenary
Paragon   —   98 points
AD  3     GD 5     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 7
Muscle 5     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 3
Stealth 1     Perception 2     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  24 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance. 12 meter swim speed with 10 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 320 kilograms      Weight 1200 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive 2, Stealthy, Perceptive, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big, Might & Magic 2

Fickle mercenaries have two hands, and their unarmed attacks deal 1d6+4 damage (Muscle included).

The fickle mercenary has a Heavy Magic-Damage Void Line weapon which it can project from either of its palms: it deals 1d6+1 Void damage (Magic Power included) to every hit target in a 40 meter line extending from the fickle mercenary. The line passes through obstacles without difficulty.

Fickle mercenaries are easily bought: anyone can demand the services of a specific fickle mercenary by taking a lesser action to ask for its allegiance while within its hearing and spending 4 Sacrifice Energy. Fickle mercenaries always serve their latest master fully and completely.

When a character would project an Avatar of a member of its party, and it could choose to project an Avatar of a fickle mercenary if it had one in its party, it can choose to project any non-busy fickle mercenary. This does not confer the mercenary's allegiance.


Pact of Egalitarianism (20 points): The fickle mercenary gains an Advanced Specialty, and can form a Pact of Egalitarianism, which grants the other creature the mercenary's Void Line weapon (which deals 1d6-2 Void damage before Magic Power is applied), but requires them to offer their services to anyone willing to pay: anyone can ask for the creature's allegiance while within its hearing as a lesser action by spending 4 Sacrifice Energy. The creature is obliged to obey for 3 rounds or until someone else buys its allegiance, whichever comes first. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 6 energy Personal Sacrifice.