Psyche afterglow

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Psyche Afterglow

Psyche Afterglow.png

When a Psychic dies, sometimes not all of their soul moves on to the afterlife, some of it remains in the world of the living and after a few days condenses into a sort of afterglow.

Psyche afterglows are very visible ghostly blurs that resemble the psychic they were in life, and are the psychic's favorite color.

Psyche afterglows are a bit less intelligent than their original psychics were, and can speak languages they knew in life.

Psyche Afterglow
Common   —   6 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 5
Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Undead ], [ Psychic ]
Movement  8 meter fly speed with 2 meter aerobatics distance.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Basic Specialties  Psychic, Sturdy
Extras  Quick

Psyche afterglows have a Strong Aura of 1 meter.

Psyche afterglows are immune to Physical damage and can fly through solid objects and creatures, albeit at only one-tenth of their normal speed. They cannot hold or move things, or attack.

They have a single Bloodline, drawn from among the ones their original psychic had, and an ability derived from that Bloodline:

If slain, the psyche afterglow reforms in the same place after 2d6 days.