Missile bracket

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Revision as of 07:19, 18 January 2014 by Foxwarrior (Talk | contribs)

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Large Missile Bracket
Coins 50
Weight 20 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+3 Physical
Range: 100m/300m/1500m/50000m
Reload Time: Standard action.
Ammunition: A large missile weighs 100 Kilogram.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands. Firing can be done in one hand with a -2 penalty to attack, or with two hands for no penalty.
Effects: The large missile attacks all targets in a 5 meter radius blast. It deals +2 damage to the target in the center.
Large missiles fired travel at a rate of 20000 meters per round, altering course to continue directly towards the originally specified target as necessary.
Special: The large missile bracket is a Heavy Gun.