Salt golem

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Salt Golem

A salt golem is a cube of salt, with salt legs protruding out of the center of each side. Its unarmed attacks deal +2 damage and cause wounded targets to become shriveled until they recover from this by drinking plenty of fluids and waiting for a minute. Salt golems are not particularly smart, and cannot speak.

Salt Golem
Elite   —   50 points
AD  10 (25 factor)     GD 8 (15 factor)     Will 2 (5 factor)     HP  1     Toughness 3
Accuracy  {{{accuracy}}}     Save DC {{{savedc}}}
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  {{{descriptors}}}
Movement  30 meter land speed with 3 meter jump.
Size  3 meters     Reach 3 meters
Weight {{{weight}}}