Sun spirit

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Sun Spirit

Sun spirit.jpg

The sun spirit is a creature of many delicate fin bones, which drift gently in the breeze.

The sun spirit is not particularly smart, and can only speak Solar languages. It lives on a diet of bones.

Sun Spirit
Elite   —   19 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 3
Muscle 0     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 2
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  15 meter fly speed with 2 meter aerobatics distance. 15 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 20 kilograms
Basic Specialties  Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Sturdy, Offensive, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive
Extras  Destructive 2

At the beginning of its turn, if it's not in direct sunlight, it catches on fire.

The sun spirit has a Heavy Magic-Damage Solar Intensification weapon, which can only be performed in direct sunlight, and makes an attack against AD for 1d6+2 Light damage (Magic Power included) to each other creature and unattended object in a 10 meter wide spray beam of light emanating from the sun to the sun spirit, and past the sun spirit for up to 400 additional meters.

The sun spirit is healed instead of wounded by Light damage.


Lunacy (5 points): The Sun Spirit may treat moonlight as though it were sunlight. When using Solar Intensification with moonlight instead, the Sun Spirit deals 1d6 Cold damage (Magic Power included) instead of Light damage. The Sun Spirit gains Cold Resist 1. The Sun Spirit gains an Advanced Specialty.

Refraction (15 points): When a spray that deals Light damage passes within 10 meters of the Sun Spirit (Muscle-Area is applied), it may change the direction of that part of the spray as an immediate action. The Sun Spirit gains three Advanced Specialties.